Monica Reed

Monica Reed is Nature Conservancy of Canada's (NCC's) former conservation science intern in the Manitoba Region. Monica graduated from Acadia University in 2014 with an honours bachelors in environmental science. During Monica's co-op work terms, she assisted rwith esearch on fungal endophytes in white spruce, organic apple orchard floor management and the potential biological impacts of tidal energy development in the Bay of Fundy.
Her honours thesis contributed to the assessment of marine mammal presence near the FORCE in-stream tidal energy site through the monitoring of harbour porpoise using hydrophone technologies. Analysis of recorded porpoise echolocation provided insight on their presence and activities prior to turbine deployment.
After graduating in 2014, Monica interned with a marine conservation group in Cambodia and now that she is back in Canada, she is looking to gain experience in conservation science and to study and explore Manitoba's fascinating ecosystems.