Puffins (Photo by Bill Caulfeild-Browne)

Puffins (Photo by Bill Caulfeild-Browne)

Feature Stories

  • Tree planting at Goulding West (Photo by Neil Osborne)
    Celebrating National Volunteer Week

    The Nature Conservancy of Canada is proud to recognize the contributions of each and every one of our volunteers who dedicate their time, energy and passion to supporting nature and our mission.
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  • Florian Diamante Nature Reserve wetland on Pelee Island, ON. Photo by Gen Pintel/NCC staff.
    Reflecting on World Wetlands Day 2024

    NCC’s projects across Canada that are protecting and restoring wetlands, while building hope for a thriving natural world for all.
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  • Baptist Harbour, ON (Photo by Esme Batten/NCC staff)
    Highlights from a record-breaking year of conservation

    The Nature Conservancy of Canada is celebrating another year of growth in 2023. Together with the supporters and partners who make it possible, we continued to make a difference for nature.
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  • NCC Leaf logo
    How much do NCC interns love nature and Canada’s landscapes? A lot!

    From community engagement to conservation planning, NCC’s interns have helped drive our mission of creating a thriving world with nature.
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  • Yellow warbler (Photo by Sean Feagan/ NCC staff)
    There and back again: A journey for our feathered friends

    The Nature Conservancy of Canada works in many of the areas that migratory birds use to refuel and rest before continuing to their breeding grounds. Take a look at the map below and learn about a few of our projects and the habitats that sustain bird life.
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  • NCC Leaf logo
    On the flyway to home: Get to know Canada's migratory birds

    Each spring, skies across Canada are filled with the sights and sounds of millions of birds arriving home from their southern wintering grounds. Many birds travel along regular routes, known as flyways, in order to make the journey back to Canada.
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  • Bumble bee on dotted blazing star (Photo by Leta Pezderic/NCC staff)
    Wings of wonder: The diverse tapestry of native bee species

    Celebrating Canada's bee species that are working hard to keep our ecosystems healthy.
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