
Burrowing owl event, BC

  • Volunteers carry supplies out to various sites on Napier Lake Ranch Conservation Area, BA (Photo by NCC)
    Click on the image to enlarge.
    Carrying supplies on Napier Lake Ranch Conservation Area (Photo by NCC)
  • The group installed 22 burrows, spread out at eight different sites on the conservation area (Photo by NCC)
    Click on the image to enlarge.
    The group installed 22 burrows, spread out across the area (Photo by NCC)
  • Mattocks and pick axes helped break through the hard ground (Photo by NCC)
    Click on the image to enlarge.
    Mattocks and pick axes helped break through the hard ground (Photo by NCC)
  • Diggers came in all ages and sizes! (Photo by NCC)
    Click on the image to enlarge.
    Diggers came in all ages and sizes! (Photo by NCC)
  • Each burrow requires a 10 foot trench ending in a two and half foot hole (Photo by NCC)
    Click on the image to enlarge.
    Each burrow needs a 10 foot trench ending in a 2.5 foot hole (Photo by NCC)
  • Once the trench is dug, the burrow is fitted in one end, then the tunnel pipe connects to the entrance at the other end (Photo by NCC)
    Click on the image to enlarge.
    The tunnel pipe connects to the entrance and end of burrow (Photo by NCC)
  • A completed burrow (Photo by NCC)
    Click on the image to enlarge.
    A completed burrow (Photo by NCC)
  • Volunteers got creative with burrow entrances, giving these new homes great curb appeal (Photo by NCC)
    Click on the image to enlarge.
    Volunteers got creative with burrow entrances (Photo by NCC)
  • Burrowing owls just like these ones will be introduced to these burrows in the spring (Photo by Dianne Bersea)
    Click on the image to enlarge.
    Burrowing owls (Photo by Dianne Bersea)

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