Aerin Jacob (Photo by Ross Donihue)
Aerin Jacob
Director, Science & Research
Aerin Jacob is the director of science and research and the Weston Family senior scientist at the Nature Conservancy of Canada, and an adjunct professor at the University of Northern British Columbia. She has worked in conservation science, practice, and policy across three continents for nearly 20 years, specializing in landscape ecology, habitat and species protection, the human dimensions of conservation, and the benefits that people get from nature. Aerin has coauthored 60 scientific papers, technical reports, books, and book chapters and served on panels and committees providing scientific advice to governments, foundations and other groups. She received the 2019 Early Career Conservationist Award from the Society for Conservation Biology for her work to strengthen the science in environmental impact assessment in Canada. She was a 2016 Liber Ero Fellow and a 2015 Wilburforce Fellow in Conservation Science. She earned a PhD in biology from McGill University and conducted postdoctoral research at the University of Victoria.