Richard Vinson

Richard Vinson

Richard Vinson

Chair and Partnerships Director

Leave No Trace

Richard brings a lifetime of experience to Leave No Trace from the private and public sectors. As a retired outdoor educator, he pioneered innovative programs in Alberta and Nova Scotia that set the stage for those who followed. His outdoor interests have included employs in interpretation and many involvements with youth programming, not the least of which was leading canoe trips down the North Saskatchewan river and in the backwoods of Nova Scotia. He has authored “outdoor” curriculum guides for the Nova Scotia Department of Education and worked on many boards and committees related to youth in sport and the community. His private sector involvements have moved from international trade to the creation of innovative companies that involved canoe tripping, natural history, and renewable energy. Richard is a past chair of Solar Nova Scotia and, most recently, was the Communications Chair and a Director of an active environmental group in Halifax advocating for the creation of a new, national urban park.

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