Sandstone Ranch, Alberta (Photo by Leta Pezderic)

Sandstone Ranch, Alberta (Photo by Leta Pezderic)

Prairie Grasslands Conservation Region

Foothills fescue grasslands, AB (Photo by Leta Pezderic)

Foothills fescue grasslands, AB (Photo by Leta Pezderic)

Grasslands are fragile but ecologically important. Birds such as burrowing owl, ferruginous hawk and peregrine falcon are iconic grassland creatures that are under increasing threat from habitat loss.

As of 2017, the Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute human footprint status report indicates that 57 per cent of the Alberta grassland region has been modified from a native state.   

Southeastern Alberta is dominated by grasslands. The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) has identified strategic areas for conservation in this region. The Milk River Ridge, Milk River Basin, Pakowki Lake and Cypress Uplands natural areas feature some of the largest intact tracts of native grass in the province.

This region is an important area for many species that live here, including pronghorn, swift fox, ferruginous hawk and greater sage-grouse. The Pakowki Lake region, designated as an Important Bird Area, supports migratory birds that pass through southeastern Alberta on their way to and from breeding and overwintering grounds.

Prairie Grassland map

(Click to expand map)

In addition to being one of the most diverse ecosystems in Alberta, grasslands are also the most delicate. Human development has created a variety of challenges for resident animals. Historical agricultural practices have destroyed much of the area's essential native grasses and allowed the spread of invasive alien plants.

Our conservation efforts are aided by partnerships with landowners and organizations. Our partners' responsible land management practices have helped maintain the ecological integrity of the prairie grasslands and other areas.

Come visit us

Visitors are welcome at many conservation areas protected by NCC. These special natural places provide excellent opportunities for hiking, birdwatching, nature photography and other compatible recreation activities.

This year, get out into nature. Go to connect2nature.ca for information on visiting our properties in Alberta. We'd love to show you what we are able to accomplish, thanks to the generous support of our landowner partners and donors.

Sandstone Ranch, AB (Photo by NCC)

Sandstone Ranch, AB (Photo by NCC)

Allowable activities on NCC properties and access

Allowable activities on NCC properties are defined by each property's management plan. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to what kinds of recreation activities visitors can engage in on our conservation lands. Some properties remain completely closed to the public to protect the sensitive ecology that made the land so important to conserve. Other areas can withstand a wide range of recreational pursuits without any harm to the natural habitat.

Find an NCC representative in this area:

South-central Alberta: Leta Pezderic

Southeast Alberta: Alberta region office

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