My Garage courtesy cars (Photo courtesy My Garage)

My Garage courtesy cars (Photo courtesy My Garage)

My Garage Auto & Tire

My Garage business card (Photo courtesy My Garage)

My Garage business card (Photo courtesy My Garage)

Interview with Chris Dekker, owner and founder

NCC: Tell us about My Garage. Where did the idea to create an environmentally focused auto service centre come from?

CD: During the summer of 2017, I was in the process of selling another business and laying the groundwork for this shop. My wife and I were on vacation in California, and I was impressed by how environmentally conscious many people living there were. I was impressed by some of the initiatives being undertaken by the government and various businesses in the state, and this really inspired me to try and make a difference back home. I grew up in the country and have always enjoyed the outdoors, so this sort of comes naturally for me as a “country boy trapped in the city.”

NCC: What is your favourite nature activity or memory?

CD: I think I've got too many fond nature memories to list! Whenever I'm not working, I'm usually out of town in the bush somewhere. My kids are five and seven years old now, so we've been doing a lot of camping lately.

NCC: How did you learn about the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), and what made you choose us as your featured non-profit?

My Garage shop (Photo courtesy My Garage)

My Garage shop (Photo courtesy My Garage)

CD: I know a fellow named Aaron, who owns Cleanline Automotive in Invermere, BC — another environmentally focussed business that supports your organization. He first got me interested in NCC. The more I learned about the organization and the work you do, the more I wanted to become a supporter. I also appreciate that NCC is fiscally well-managed, so a large percentage of our donation can go toward the cause.

NCC: Is there anything special and unique about My Garage that many people might not know?

CD: I'm quite proud of the business that we run. Besides all of our environmental initiatives, I'm really proud of how well we care for our clients, and the quality of the work that leaves our shop every day. We can honestly say that no client ever has ever paid for a service or repair that they didn't need. A big driver of this is the fact that my staff is 100 per cent hourly paid, with no commission or incentive-based pay plan in place at all, which is rare for our industry.

To learn more about My Garage and see what services they offer visit their website.

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