Robert Yamada owner and founder NEWLIFE Clothing (Photo courtesy Robert Yamada)

Robert Yamada owner and founder NEWLIFE Clothing (Photo courtesy Robert Yamada)

NEWLIFE Clothing

Robert Yamada owner and founder NEWLIFE Clothing (Photo courtesy Robert Yamada)

Robert Yamada owner and founder NEWLIFE Clothing (Photo courtesy Robert Yamada)

Interview with Robert Yamada, owner and founder

NCC: Tell us about NEWLIFE Clothing.

RY: My idea for NEWLIFE Clothing came to me during my fall semester of my fourth year of university and I launched it in May of 2019. I always wanted to start my own business in an area I was passionate about, which was fashion, but wanted to make it more sustainable since the industry is a big polluter. This is how I decided to promote second-hand and vintage clothing! Utilizing clothing already produced and giving it a "newlife" is the way I decided to go about building something in an industry I have an interest in, while doing my part to preserve our environment.

NCC: What is the most memorable thing you’ve learned during your first year of business?

RY: The most memorable thing I've learned during my first year of business is that you're going to make a lot of mistakes, and things can change very quickly. As much as you plan, things can come up and you have to learn how to adapt to the new situation. A tip to fellow entrepreneurs that can be hard for some, including myself, is to ask for help. I know when I first started, I had the attitude that I didn't need assistance, or felt weak for asking for help. But people who care about you will want to offer you their time and will be appreciative that you thought of them. I actually did this very recently as I asked my partner, Kate, to join me in this journey. Kate is now taking over certain parts of the business she has more expertise in than I do, and I believe that in order to expand a business you need to play to your strengths and find others for areas you lack in.

Another tip I would give would be to still find balance in your life. In the beginning I was obsessed with working on my business, letting relationships fall behind and not taking care of myself as well. As much as you want to work 24/7 on making your business successful, my tip would be to not forget the individuals in your life who have been there for you and to make time for them. 

NCC: What is your favourite nature activity or memory?

RY: My favourite nature activity would either be hiking or golfing! One of my favourite memories with nature would be when I was in Fairmont with my family and during a walk outside, a mother and baby bear came out and walked across the road right in front of us. We made sure to keep a lot of distance and it was one of the coolest memories I have with nature.

NCC: NEWLIFE Clothing has been a partner of the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) since 2019. How did you learn about NCC and what made you choose us as your featured charity?

RY: I learned about the NCC when I was first starting up and was looking for an environmental non-profit/charity that I could donate a portion of my sales to. I did a lot of research of a variety on Canadian organizations and decided to choose the NCC based on their mission and the positive impact they have been making on Canada's environment. I read through their whole website and was very impressed with everything they have preserved close to my home and across Canada. I also appreciated the transparency on what exactly donations go toward and what impact they have on assisting to preserve ecologically significant land.

NCC: Is there anything special and unique about NEWLIFE Clothing that many people might not know?

RY: Something unique about NEWLIFE Clothing is that all the items are sourced from across Canada and even the United States in order to find something unique and different for everybody!

NCC: What’s a goal that you’ve made for yourself during this time of physical distancing?

RY: A goal I have made for myself during this time of physical distancing is to keep up with my physical activity, as well not let personal relationships fade. Even though the gyms have been closed, I have been going for bike rides and runs outside, as well as doing workouts in my backyard! I also want to make sure I don't let my relationships become weaker due to not being able to see them in person, but try to strengthen them with the additional time I have. 

NCC: Is there anything else that you would like to tell everyone?

RY: A little more about me is that I love hockey and can't wait for the season to start up again. I'm looking forward to the Oilers having a playoff run again hopefully soon!

To learn more about NEWLIFE Clothing and see what they have in stock, visit their website.

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