Two tone geo rose necklace (Photo courtesy Peaks & Prairies)

Two tone geo rose necklace (Photo courtesy Peaks & Prairies)

Peaks & Prairies

Dalia Reboh founder and designer of Peaks & Prairies (Photo courtesy Peaks &Prairies)

Dalia Reboh founder and designer of Peaks & Prairies (Photo courtesy Peaks &Prairies)

Interview with Dalia Reboh, founder and designer

NCC: Tell us about Peaks & Prairies.

DR: I was out alone on a Wednesday, snowboarding at Lake Louise. Let me re-phrase that; I was out on the most perfect day snowboarding! It was an incredible powder day; it had just snowed 20 centimetres the night before and the sun was shining with the cherry on top of it being a weekday, so it was completely dead. Just me and the most perfect day! As I was leaving the hill that day, I saw the most stunning group of long horn rams on the side of the road. I was so amazed by how beautiful their horns were, and I immediately thought about making it into a piece of jewellery. That was all I could think about during the two-hour drive home. When I finally got home, I sketched at least 10 different designs in only three or four hours and that’s when I knew I had to start a jewellery line.

NCC: What is the most surprising thing you’ve learned on this journey?

DR: I learned that it is okay to make mistakes and people will forgive you for them. You can learn as you go and make iterations along the way.

NCC: What is your favourite nature activity or memory?

DR: I would say being in the mountains snowboarding. There is no place better to be than on a chairlift, experiencing the suspended panoramic views of the overwhelming beautiful Rocky Mountains on a crisp bluebird day. That is definitely my favourite nature activity, place to be and memory.

NCC: Peaks & Prairies has been a partner of the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) since 2015. How did you learn about NCC and what made you choose to partner with us?

DR: I liked NCC’s mission and the fact that you make it very easy to access information and a willingness to teach without judgement. I was intimated at first because I thought I did not know a lot about conservation but NCC had no judgment and taught me what I wanted to know, and I liked what I heard!

Hanging antler necklace (Photo courtesy Peaks & Prairies)

Hanging antler necklace (Photo courtesy Peaks & Prairies)

NCC: Is there anything special and unique about Peaks & Prairies that many people might not know?

DR: Everything is handcrafted by actual silversmith artisans. No two pieces ever look exactly the same, and that is what is beautiful about nature too!

NCC: What’s a goal that you’ve made for yourself during this time of physical distancing?

DR: I wanted to take on a project I didn’t think I could tackle. I decided to renovate my kitchen and learn all sorts of different handy skills. I painted and sanded all my kitchen cupboards, ripped out a kitchen counter and even laid tile. I guess you can say I like getting my hands dirty!

NCC: Is there anything else that you would like to tell everyone?

DR: I am coming out with new styles soon so please follow me @peaksandprairies!

To learn more about Peaks & Prairies and shop their jewellery, visit their website.

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