Sunset over Douglas Marsh (Photo by NCC)

Sunset over Douglas Marsh (Photo by NCC)

Douglas Marsh 4

Douglas Marsh (Photo by NCC)

Douglas Marsh (Photo by NCC)

Protecting freshwater services in Manitoba

Thanks to donors like you, Douglas Marsh 4, a piece of the largest wetland system in the Assiniboine Delta aquifer, has been secured! The property provides freshwater ecosystem services, such as filtration, water storage, drought mitigation and habitat for wildlife, among others.

This significant conservation achievement is a result of the support the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) receives from our donors. The securement of this magnificent property is an example of what we can do together to make sure that we conserve this habitat for generations to come.

Douglas Marsh Context Map (NCC)

Douglas Marsh Context Map (NCC)

Douglas Marsh 4 is a 114.6-hectare property in the heart of the Douglas Marsh. Both the waters of Willow Creek and aquifer-fed groundwater flow through the property toward the Assiniboine River. The beautiful riparian marsh wetlands of Douglas Marsh 4 are filled with rushes, sedges and cattails, with areas of open water scattered throughout, creating a diversity of ecosystems and habitats. Along the north and south borders of the property, the marsh transitions from wet meadow to upland native prairie, one of the most endangered terrestrial ecosystems on the planet.

Home to yellow rail

Yellow rail (photo by Jacques Brisson)

Yellow rail (photo by Jacques Brisson)

The Douglas Marsh as a whole is a designated Important Bird Area and annually supports one of the largest congregations of yellow rail, a bird designated as special concern in Manitoba by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. As of 1995, the marsh may have supported more than 10 per cent of the global population of this species.

Connecting people to nature

The Douglas Marsh project represents an excellent opportunity for connecting people to nature, and an important economic opportunity for the local communities as an internationally known Important Bird Area and tourism location for visitors seeking to observe yellow rail.

The creation of an interpretive site and viewing lookout on NCC's Douglas Marsh conservtion lands is a community-supported initiative. The site was officially opened in 2022 in partnership with the Central Assiniboine Watershed District and the Nature Conservancy of Canada. With support from Conservation Trust, the project includes a marsh and bird lookout, and nature interpretation opportunities for locals and visitors alike.

Both NCC and the Watershed District’s missions aim to ensure the safeguarding of our water and natural resources and the sustainable conservation and management of the natural environment, which is supported by people and communities living in these areas.

What's next?

We are eager to get started on the development and implementation of our stewardship plan this project. Our goal is to maintain and enhance the biodiversity value of this community gem.

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