Tallgrass Prairie (Photo by NCC)

Tallgrass Prairie (Photo by NCC)

Manitoba's first Ecological Restoration Workshop a success

Manitoba's Ecological Restoration Workshop Planning Committee (Photo by NCC)

Manitoba's Ecological Restoration Workshop Planning Committee (Photo by NCC)

The ecological restoration community in Manitoba identified a need to network and build capacity for better restoration. To meet that need, the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), in collaboration with Prairie Habitats Inc., Scatliff + Miller + Murray and the University of Winnipeg, hosted Manitoba’s first Ecological Restoration Workshop in Winnipeg on March 20 and 21, 2018. The workshop brought together a diverse group representing land managers, practitioners, local industries (e.g. seed/plant producers and consultants), conservation groups, Canadian and American not-for-profit organizations and museums, as well as independent volunteers.

Topics included the current status of ecological restoration in Manitoba, local native seed sourcing, economics of native seed production, and current research on pollinators.

The presentations and breakout-session format gave participants the opportunity to share knowledge about restoration approaches, research and networking initiatives in Manitoba and Saskatchewan, interact with one another in an open environment, and discuss perspectives on restoration. Key information was documented that will be used to produce a report to guide the steps to improve restoration capacity in Manitoba.

Presentations are now available, and we encourage you to contact us if you have any questions.

Ahlering, Marissa; Seed Sourcing Philosophies: Survey Results for Sourcing Policies

Beaton, Scott; Native Prairie Restoration in Manitoba - The Patience Test

Coffee, Victory and Oftinowski, Raphael; Soil Nematode Communities as Bioindicators of Prairie Restoration

Cornselson, Stephen; Restoration in Parks Canada

Grilz, Rennie; Ecological Restoration Partnerships: A Saskatchewan Perspective

Hamel, Cary; Overview of Native Prairie Communities and Function in a Restoration Context

Hamilton, Jill; Evolutionary Genetics of Restoration

Hamilton, Robin; Native Grass Restoration in Manitoba

Koblun, Glen; Creating Natural and Sustainable Landscapes

Olynyk, Marika; Restoration and Pollinators: Perspectives from NCC

Penner, C.; Standards for Native Revegetation

Robson, Diana; Prairie Pollination: Implications for Restoration

Sveinson Pelc, Julie; Manitoba's Ecological Restoration Workshop: Setting the Stage

Thiele, Michael; Rebuilding Degraded Soils Using Diversity

Wolfe, Kim; Extending Pollinator Habitat Options to Producers

The workshop was made possible thanks to the generous support of the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. We would also like to thank our sponsors:

•    Ducks Unlimited Canada and Native Plant Solutions
•    HTFC Planning & Design
•    Manitoba Forage and Grassland Association – Aquanty Project
•    Northstar Seed
•    Scatliff + Miller + Murray
•    Truax Company Inc.

And thanks to our friends:

•    DLF Pickseed
•    Prairie Habitats Inc.

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