Alvar, Marble Ridge (Photo by NCC)

Alvar, Marble Ridge (Photo by NCC)

Our Work

Habitat loss is the greatest threat to Canada's native plants and animals. Preventing the loss or degradation of significant habitat is the principal focus of the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC). This page is your gateway to a representative sample of NCC conservation sites across Manitoba, as well as some of our core research and outreach activities.


Where hunting aligns with property management plans and donor wishes, permission to hunt on NCC lands may be granted in Manitoba. To request permission to hunt on NCC Manitoba lands, you must fill in and submit a Manitoba Request for Hunting Permission and Assumption of Risk, Waiver and Release of Liability form.
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Manitoba Nature Education Program

NCC's Manitoba Region is proud to offer free, hands-on, nature-based education programming.
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Key research questions

NCC's Manitoba Region is interested in participating in research partnerships designed to address these knowledge gaps. NCC is interested in forging/strengthening research projects in its Priority Natural Areas and on its properties. Where projects align with NCC's conservation goals, NCC will consider supporting researchers through in-kind data, expertise, lodging, access to lands and, if congruencies are high and resources allow, funds.
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Priority Natural Areas

Assiniboine Delta

Spanning south-central Manitoba, the Assiniboine Delta Natural Area encompasses the largest sandhill complex in Manitoba. This area represents key habitat for species found only in sandhills, including the endangered Prairie Skink (Manitoba’s only lizard), and a suite of invertebrates.

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Nestled between Manitoba's "Great Lakes," the Interlake's mosaic of woodlands, wetlands, unique karst features and native prairie supports a wide variety of wildlife.
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Lower Qu'appelle - Assiniboine - Quill Lakes

Covering much of southeast-central Saskatchewan and extening along the Assiniboine River in Manitoba from Lake of the Prairies to Brandon, the Lower Qu'appelle - Assiniboine - Quill Lakes Natural Area (LQAQL NA) is mostly contained within the Aspen Parkland. The LQAQL NA is an important part of the Prairie Parkland region and supports a high diversity of plants and animals.

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Oak Lake Sandhill and Wetlands

Lush marshes meet rolling sandhills, creating critical habitat for Manitoba's only lizard, the endangered prairie skink. The surrounding prairie and sandhill slopes support rare plants such as prairie spiderwort, smooth goosefoot and hairy prairie-clover.
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Riding Mountain Natural Area

The Riding Mountain Wildlife Corridor is located in one of only 12 Biosphere Reserves (a UNESCO designation for natural areas of concern) in Canada. In Manitoba, less than 10 per cent of the original high-quality Aspen parkland remains today in small, isolated pockets.
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Souris River Valley Grasslands

This nearly treeless plain contains buffalograss, a nationally and provincially threatened plant known to occur in only one other location in Canada. This plant community is supported by the very specific conditions that are influenced by the slope of the Souris River valley walls and the flooding cycle of the Souris River.
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Tall Grass Prairie

NCC has taken a leading role in a partnership of environmental groups dedicated to securing and restoring the Manitoba Tall Grass Prairie Preserve. For thousands of years, before the first plough turned a furrow in the prairie sod, the tallgrass prairie ecosystem stretched from near present-day Winnipeg all the way south to Texas.
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West Souris Mixed-grass Prairie

Located in the southwest corner of Manitoba, this area contains a band of grasslands, mixed with pothole wetlands, stretching west and south of the town of Melita to the U.S. border.
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Whitemouth River Watershed

Located in southeastern Manitoba, this unique landscape is the meeting place of the boreal coniferous forest, the eastern superior mixed forest and the western prairie.
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