Stories From the Field
Pelee Island Plantapalooza a success!
In June, NCC marked a major milestone in wetland restoration efforts on Florian Diamante Nature Reserve on Pelee Island, ON. Read more »
From marsh to farm and back again: A wetland restoration story
The story of how the Florian Diamante Nature Reserve's big wetland was created over a five year process on Pelee Island, Ontario. This is the largest wetland restoration project completed by the Nature Conservancy of Canada in Ontario.Read more »
How conservation, a guitar from Rush’s Geddy Lee, Sarah Jessica Parker’s shoes and rare wines are related
It is soul-warming to see other organizations join with NCC, looking to support conservation — like Grapes for Humanity (GFH), an organization that raises funds to support climate change action, among other causes.Read more »
Salamanders of Pelee Island
Pelee Island is home to three species of salamander: red-spotted newt, small-mouthed salamander and blue-spotted salamander. It is also home to a unique population of unisexual (all-female) salamanders found nowhere else in Canada. Read more »
Pelee Island is for the birds
In the warm, green-blue waters of Lake Erie, Ontario’s Pelee Island is a haven for hundreds of species of migratory birds. NCC welcomes you to discover what we are doing to protect this special place, and to come visit. Read more »
Episode Four: The Home of the Butcher Bird
This is the story of a globally rare ecosystem discovered by chance – and why it matters.Read more »