Blanding's turtle monitoring, QC (Photo by NCC)

Blanding's turtle monitoring, QC (Photo by NCC)

Our Work

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Strategic actions, outstanding achievements


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Established in 1962, the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is Canada’s leading not-for-profit, private land conservation organization.

NCC relies on a network of partners who are inspired by our mission to conserve these remarkable sites and the valuable species they sustain, as a legacy for future generations.

NCC in Quebec, by the numbers

  • more than 550 square kilometres of NCC-protected land in the province;
  • protected habitats for more than 200 at-risk plant and wildlife species;
  • close to nine out of 10 Quebeckers live less than 100 kilometres from a site protected by NCC;
  • accessible natural areas for visitors to explore; and
  • rated a top environmental charity for eight years running for the efficient use of donor contributions (source: MoneySense magazine).

Three-part mission

Science — planning conservation

NCC uses scientific methods and expertise to identify habitats and species to be protected. Careful planning ensures the future of these conservation targets.

Securement — conservation in action

Through securement, NCC protects natural sites that are assessed as priorities. This work is made possible by an exceptional network of partners, consisting of individuals, foundations, landowners, businesses, conservation groups, local communities and governments.

Stewardship — investing in the future

The sites secured by NCC are conserved through activities such as species monitoring, trail development, trail maintenance, restoration of natural areas and activities aimed at raising awareness. An endowment fund ensures the long-term management of the properties.

Why protecting nature is essential to our survival?

This series of five videos offers an overview of the importance of protecting nature for animal and plant species, as well as for humans.

NCC in action in Quebec

Natural sites protected by NCC

Priority natural areas in Quebec

Natural areas in Québec

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