Great Jacques-Cartier Bog (Photo by La Halte Studio)

Great Jacques-Cartier Bog (Photo by La Halte Studio)

Planetair: An alliance with concrete, tangible benefits

Îles Les Pèlerins, Quebec (Photo by NCC)

Îles Les Pèlerins, Quebec (Photo by NCC)

Among our generous partners, the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is honoured to be able to count on the exceptional work of Planetair. This initiative, launched by the UNISFÉRA International Centre, has been a true architect of change for nearly 20 years. Planetair aims to reduce and offset greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in a concrete and sustainable way.

Planetair's mission is threefold. First, it aims to raise awareness among the public, businesses and organizations about climate change and the impact of their day-to-day activities on the environment. Second, by doing so Planetair contributes to changing behaviours and attitudes toward GHG emissions — a change that is essential to their reduction. Finally, Planetair's mission is to offer high-quality carbon offset projects to counterbalance emissions that can’t be reduced.

The carbon offset projects, all Gold Standard certified, are grouped into different portfolios developed by Planetair. Using calculation tools available on Planetair’s website (planetair.ca), individuals, businesses and organizations can measure their GHG emissions in just a few clicks and can then select the portfolio of projects best suited to their needs and values. The carbon offset projects are many and varied, and are focused on energy efficiency, renewable energy, water management and community projects,.

In addition, Planetair offers various portfolios that enhance carbon offsetting by supporting NCC-operated biodiversity conservation and protection projects. These projects protect habitat for more than 200 animal and plant species at risk as well as tens of thousands of additional hectares, including several natural areas that are accessible to the public.

A contribution to one of these mixed portfolios is valuable, as it supports both Gold Standard certified carbon offset projects and NCC conservation projects that directly benefit local communities and ecosystems. Gold Standard certification, the global benchmark for carbon offsetting, confirms concrete and tangible climate benefits, assuring people and entities involved that their actions are making a real difference.

Planetair is praised and recommended by Protégez-Vous magazine and the David Suzuki Foundation, leaders in consumer information, and environmental conservation and protection, respectively.

NCC is proud of our partnership with Planetair and would like to thank the organization for its loyalty and contribution to our mission.

We invite you to visit Planetair’s website to calculate your GHG emissions and to learn how to reduce and offset them through the Planetair + NCC offset and conservation portfolios (planetair.ca).

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