Île Hébert (Photo by NCC)

Île Hébert (Photo by NCC)


Forêt-de-Senneville Nature Reserve (West Island, Montreal)

A hundred-year-old forest just kilometres from the city of Montreal (trail)

Forêt-de-Senneville Nature Reserve, Quebec (Photo by NCC)

Forêt-de-Senneville Nature Reserve, Quebec (Photo by NCC)

Travel to the municipality of Senneville, west of the island of Montreal, to discover an exceptional, 100-year-old forest comprising sugar maples, American beech and Canadian hemlock. On the one-kilometre-long trail, you’ll spot remarkable fauna and flora that only flourishes in mature forest. This environment is an ideal nesting spot for red-shouldered hawk, an at-risk bird of prey. During your visit, make a stop at the Morgan Arboretum, property of McGill University, located adjacent to the forest. The site is open all year round for hiking, cross-county skiing and snowshoeing.

As the nature reserve is accessible only through the Morgan Arboretum, entrance fees are required to access it.

Click here to view the trail map

See below for directions:


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