Fairy Hill, SK (Photo by Cherie Westmoreland)

Fairy Hill, SK (Photo by Cherie Westmoreland)

Fairy Hill in pictures

With its gently rolling hills, sprawling fields and leisurely-flowing river, Fairy Hill South is an iconic Saskatchewan landscape. Located in the Qu'appelle River Valley, the property boasts a major riparian ecosystem, which includes important fish habitat. The hillside is punctuated with Manitoba maple and burr oak, characteristic of the tall grass prairie ecosystem more commonly found in Manitoba. The land supports many species at risk, including northern leopard frog and Sprague's pipit.

The fall is a brilliant time to stroll through Fairy Hill South, as the autumn colours seem to set the hills on fire. This gallery of photos by Cherie Westmoreland offers a small taste of the beauty of Fairy Hill South – a place as magical as its name suggests.

  • Fairy Hills and hay bales
    Click on the image to enlarge.
    Fairy Hill, Saskatchewan (Photo by C. Westmoreland)
  • Fairy Hills tree
    Click on the image to enlarge.
    Fairy Hill, Saskatchewan (Photo by C. Westmoreland)
  • Fairy Hills
    Click on the image to enlarge.
    Fairy Hill, Saskatchewan (Photo by C. Westmoreland)
  • Hay bales
    Click on the image to enlarge.
    Fairy Hill, Saskatchewan (Photo by C. Westmoreland)
  • Cow on Fairy Hill
    Click on the image to enlarge.
    Fairy Hill, Saskatchewan (Photo by C. Westmoreland)
  • Fall trees on Fairy HIll
    Click on the image to enlarge.
    Fairy Hill, Saskatchewan (Photo by C. Westmoreland)
  • Tree and boulder on Fairy Hill
    Click on the image to enlarge.
    Fairy Hill, Saskatchewan (Photo by C. Westmoreland)



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