Valley View

View from the treetops (Photo by Jason Bantle)
The Valley View conservation project enhances one of the most significant wildlife habitat corridors across southern Saskatchewan due to its location within the Qu’Appelle Valley, which stretches west to east across the province. The closeness to the towns of Craven and Lumsden and the city of Regina puts the acquired property at a high threat level for rural subdivision and acreage development. The area’s native habitat is also at risk of conversion for annual cropping. The Valley View project is near several protected areas and other natural lands.
Valley View consists of 136 hectares (335 acres) of native grasslands and seasonal wetlands in the Upper Qu’Appelle Natural Area, approximately 40 minutes from Regina.
Species spotlight
The Upper Qu’Appelle Natural Area provides important habitat for a number of species listed under the federal Species at Risk Act. Birds such as Sprague’s pipit and chestnut-collared longspur, both threatened, and Baird’s sparrow, special concern, are likely to be found at Valley View.