West Parklands, SK (Photo by NCC)

West Parklands, SK (Photo by NCC)


Golden-winged warbler (Photo by Bill Hubick)

Golden-winged warbler (Photo by Bill Hubick)

Thank you for visiting the Wideview Complex of properties owned and conserved by the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) in southwestern Saskatchewan.

  • Located in the Wood Mountain Plateau of the Mixed Grassland Ecoregion and within the Frenchman River Watershed (see map), which contains prairie grasslands and wetlands.
  • About 30 kilometres (19 miles) south of Mankota and 130 kilometres (81 miles) southeast of Swift Current near the west block of Grasslands National Park in the RM of Mankota #45.
  • 1917 acres (776 hectares) of grasslands, shrubs and both seasonal and permanent wetlands in the Frenchman River Watershed Natural Area.


Threats to long-term conservation include habitat loss and fragmentation due to:

  • cultivation
  • annual and perennial non-timber crops
  • intensive grazing
  • resource sector development
  • human infrastructure
  • invasive species

Species that may be viewed here

The property provides habitat for songbirds, waterfowl and various Species at Risk, including:

  • swift fox
  • Sprague's pipit
  • greater sage-grouse
  • black-tailed prairie dog
  • northern wheatgrass
  • green needle grass
  • porcupine grass
  • needle and thread
  • blue grama
  • June grass
  • plains rough fescue
  • Wood's rose
  • snowberry
  • wolf willow
  • hawthorn
  • quaking aspen
  • creeping juniper
  • prairie loggerhead shri9ke
  • ferruginous hawk
  • Richardson's ground squirrel
  • American badger
  • burrowing owl
  • mallard
  • northern shoveler
  • blue-winged teal
  • gadwall
  • northern pintail
  • killdeer
  • red-winged blackbird
  • meadowlark
  • Baird's sparrow
  • long-billed curlew
  • vesper sparrow
  • Savannah sparrow
  • white-tailed deer
  • mule deer
  • coyote
  • prairie dunewort
  • and more.

See NCC's Species List for the Mixed Grassland Ecoregion, which contains all species viewed and recorded by NCC in Saskatchewan's Mixed Grassland Ecosystem (as of September 2014). How many of these species have you seen here? (You can use the Species List to keep track!)

Please note:

  • NCC permits foot access only.
  • Leave gates closed, fences intact.
  • Enter this property at your own risk. Beware of livestock.
  • Keep memories and only take photos. Do not litter or dispose of garbage here.

Contact NCC or call 1.866.622.7275 to:

  • Lease this area for livestock grazing.
  • Hunt on this property.
  • Learn more about NCC's work in Saskatchewan.
  • Contribute to NCC's conservation work in Saskatchewan.
  • Donate to NCC's conservation work in Saskatchewan.

Partners with NCC at Wideview:

  • Government of Canada
  • Government of Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment: Go Green Fund
  • South of the Divide Fund (through the Government of Saskatchewan).

The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is a not-for-profit, private land conservation organization, protecting ecologically significant natural lands and the species they sustain. NCC works with individuals, corporations, foundations, governments and communities to protect this living heritage for future generations to enjoy.

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