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Cenovus Energy

Cenovus Energy shares the world’s concerns about climate change and is taking steps to further reduce its environmental impact. In 2022, the company announced a substantial donation to the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) as part of its social investment strategy. This contribution further unlocked an additional three-to-one match from the U.S. North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA). The combined investment will amplify conservation efforts across Western Canada, making a positive impact on biodiversity and ecosystem health in the region.

Through this partnership, Cenovus has funded crucial projects focused on the conservation of wetlands and grasslands in Alberta and Saskatchewan. Cenovus’s support is helping safeguard these delicate ecosystems, which hold immense ecological significance. These ecosystems are teeming with biodiversity, providing essential habitat for a wide array of plant and animal species, many of which are at-risk. Prairie grasslands act as important carbon sinks, sequestering significant amounts of carbon dioxide and lessening the negative impacts of climate change. They also promote soil stability, preventing erosion and maintaining water quality. Wetlands serve as natural water filters, purifying and retaining water, which reduces the risk of floods and maintains water flow during droughts. Wetlands provide important breeding and nesting grounds for migratory birds, support fish populations, and act as nurseries for numerous aquatic species. These ecosystems also support Canada’s agricultural productivity, as healthy grasslands contribute to nutrient cycling, pollination and pest control.

Cenovus's support has contributed to the securement of numerous grassland and wetland areas, covering an expanse of over 24,000 hectares. These conserved lands represent a lasting legacy of environmental conservation, ensuring the long-term health and protection of Canada’s Prairies. The company’s support has enabled the implementation of crucial conservation projects, while also attracting additional funding through strategic partnerships.

Conserving and restoring Prairie grasslands and wetlands is not only essential for supporting our planet’s biodiversity but also for ensuring water security, climate regulation and sustainable food production. By recognizing the value of these ecosystems and taking tangible steps to conserve them, Cenovus paves the way for a sustainable future and serves as an inspiration to others to actively participate in the safeguarding of our precious natural heritage.

Thanks to the support of dedicated corporate partners like Cenovus, we can deliver bold conservation achievements for nature and for people, forever.

If your organization is interested in partnering with NCC, please contact corporate.giving@natureconservancy.ca.

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