
Defined by nature

Bruce MacLellan

Bruce MacLellan

Canada is like no other place on Earth. That is why the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), along with our passionate donors, has spent more than 55 years protecting our unique natural spaces and the life they sustain.

I’ve been volunteering for the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) for 20 years now, and the more I learn and see about its work, the more enthused I become.

My parents instilled in me a respect and admiration for nature. Growing up, recreation time equaled outdoors time, often in the nearby ravines of Toronto. I’ve been passionate about nature ever since.

My wife, Karen, and I are proud to support NCC’s Landmark Campaign. There is no better nature conservation charity for showing results for dollars. Here are three reasons why we give:

It’s a Canadian cause

NCC was created by Canadians and invests your dollars in Canadian projects that are chosen and managed by Canadians. Our natural areas have global importance, and this is our gift to the world.

Our dollars are spent with impact

NCC protects lands that provide habitat for more than 200 different species at risk. Charity Intelligence and Money Sense repeatedly rank NCC as one of the top environmental charities for efficient use of donor dollars.

The gift of conservation is permanent

We support many worthy charities, but NCC is the only one we know where our donation will make such a lasting impact. Decades from now, NCC donors and staff will be stewarding the land we protect today.

Volunteers who recognized that important habitats were disappearing created the NCC in the 1960s. Now, it is the potent force of volunteers, donors and staff that make us successful.

There is much more land to protect. Thank you for being a fellow donor and supporter and for helping us complete our $750 million.

Bruce MacLellan

Chair of the NCC Board of Directors



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