
Every bit counts

Shadow Lake, AB (Photo by Paul Zizka)

Shadow Lake, AB (Photo by Paul Zizka)

The Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) Landmark Campaign offers Canadians an unparalleled opportunity to protect and care for our country’s lands and waters, and the species they sustain. The Landmark Campaign will double the amount of land and water protected by NCC, helping to restore rare habitats, support species at risk and improve the quality of our air and water.

Mark Rittinger, vice-president of marketing and development at NCC, believes every bit counts toward helping NCC achieve the protection of more than 500 new land conservation projects across Canada. "I've come to have a greater feeling of responsibility to our future, and that this feeling of responsibility perhaps comes with being Canadian," says Rittinger. "We need to do more, faster. And we can't do it without our donors and supporters. NCC offers a number of options for Canadians everywhere to contribute to our campaign – whether through a monthly gift, an annual contribution or a gift in their Will."

Monthly giving

It’s hard to imagine running out of something that seems as boundless as nature. But if we don’t act today to protect our important natural landscapes, they might not be here for our children and grandchildren. Your monthly gift can help us to ensure that the special natural places you enjoy with your family today will still be here tomorrow.

“We have an obligation to this tiny blue (and green!) planet to respect its natural elements and to learn how to co-exist with nature. Not in a distributive fashion, where there are winners and losers, but in an integrated fashion, where the goal is a mutually beneficial outcome,” says Rittinger.

Monthly giving is easy, flexible and convenient. When you spread your donation out during the year, we can invest in long-term projects to protect and restore wildlife habitat, every single day. You choose the amount you would like to automatically donate each month via credit card or bank direct deposit, and receive one consolidated tax receipt per year. And you can change, increase or stop your donation at any time. Call or email us today to sign up to be a monthly donor.

Legacy gifts

Imagine a way to ensure that the values and passions you hold strong today will continue to have an influence tomorrow. If you are passionate about nature, you can include it in your charitable, estate and financial plans.

The gift you plan today is an investment that will yield the highest return for nature and for the future generations.

“Canadians are fortunate to be stewards of such an immense portion of the planet’s natural spaces, and the impact that these spaces have not only on our country, but on the globe, are immense,” explains Rittinger.

There are several ways to leave a meaningful gift to conservation: you can leave a gift in your Will, make a gift of publicly traded securities or a gift of RRSP/RRIF, a gift of life insurance or a gift of land.

Legacy gifts are important to NCC's long-term conservation planning. They also ensure NCC can continue to manage all existing lands under our care. We are happy to talk with you and your advisors to ensure your planned gift fits your charitable intent and your personal and financial objectives. By leaving a legacy gift to NCC, you will make an impact as lasting and enduring as the lands we love and protect.

Leaders in Conservation

Much of NCC's work is in southern Canada, where nature is under the greatest threat and where most Canadians live. These spaces are key to our quality of life. With habitat loss and fragmentation, invasive species and climate change threatening the existence of these natural spaces, we need to do more to protect them – and fast.

The Leaders in Conservation program provides unique opportunities and benefits to individuals who make an annual contribution of $1,000 or more in support of NCC's work. You can help lead our efforts to conserve Canada’s great places.

Since our Leaders provide undesignated gifts, we’re able to use these funds where they are needed most urgently.

If you're interested in making a donation of $1,000 or more to NCC and becoming a Leader in Conservation, call or donate today.

Making the largest impact

NCC staff are here to help you decide the best ways you can contribute to the Landmark Campaign. Whether you choose to give monthly, leave a legacy or join our growing group of Leaders in Conservation, we will ensure your donation will have the largest impact on nature now and that our shared vision of a future natural Canada be fulfilled

To learn more or to make a donation to NCC, call 1.800.465.8005 or visit natureconservancy.ca/donate.



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