
Letter from the editor: The power of many

Gayle Roodman

Gayle Roodman

Like most Nature Conservancy of Canada staff and, I presume, like many of you, I spend as much of my spare time as possible outdoors. The feeling of connecting with nature and sharing our wild spaces with others puts a smile on my face and a spring in my step. My adventures have taken me to some pretty spectacular places in Canada, and for that I am so very grateful.

My day job, however, is as indoors as they come. That’s why, whenever the opportunity arises during work hours to see the results of our important conservation work on the ground, I jump at it.

I’ve participated in a few Conservation Volunteers events over the last 21/2 years, and each time I am awed by what a group of like-minded individuals can do. Beach cleanups, invasive species pulls, fence repairs, butterfly counts — each of these actions is integral to helping care for our stunning natural areas. We simply couldn’t do what we do, ourselves.

Which brings me to the concept of working together. In this issue, you’ll learn about the role and importance of privately protected areas. You’ll discover the good that can happen when organizations work together for nature. Read about the passion of landowners like Glen Lawrence and Lucy and Scott Weston and how, thanks to them, we are able to protect the beauty that is Canada. You’ll also discover the many health benefits of volunteering your time in the great outdoors.

I live for the moments when I round a corner in the trail and exclaim, “Wow!” The moments that take your breath away. The ones that make you realize why it’s so important to conserve what we love.

Speaking of which, now that I’m done writing this letter and the weekend is here, I’m going to head outside to my happy place.

Gayle Roodman, Manager, Editorial Services

This story first appeared in the spring 2019 issue of the Nature Conservancy of Canada Magazine. Donors who contribute at least $25 or more per year will receive four issues of the magazine. Click here to donate today and start receiving the magazine.

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