A pocketful of action

Kim Gray (Photo by Lori Andrews)
With her Swiss Army Knife in hand, writer and editor Kim Gray is always ready for adventure and possibility.
Like so many nature-loving Canadians, I’ve always carried a Swiss Army Knife in my backpack. You never know when you’re going to need one, right?
My relationship with this popular little pocketknife goes back to when I was a young girl. My grandfather, a hardy outdoorsman, packed a mediumsized, classically red version with him everywhere he went. When no one was looking, he’d let me peel my own orange with it — exhilarating for me because I knew my parents would think I was far too young to handle something so dangerous.
Ever since, I’ve seen this clever tool as a symbol of adventure and possibility. I recently custom ordered a Swiss Army Knife featuring the logo of Toque & Canoe — my digital travel magazine — on its sleek, white exterior.
Today, it lives in a sweet-smelling moose hide case, which was handstitched and beaded by Métis artist Kim Brothers of Moonstone Creation in Calgary.
I pack my knife with me everywhere I go, so I’m always ready for action. Peeling oranges is my specialty.
This story originally appeared in the Summer 2020 issue of the Nature Conservancy of Canada Magazine. To learn more about how you can receive the magazine, click here.