
The woodpecker bubble

Red-headed woodpecker (Photo by D. Fast)

Red-headed woodpecker (Photo by D. Fast)

Protected forests are the kingdom of the cavity-dwellers. This is where woodlands grow to an old-growth state, and where dead, damaged or otherwise wonderfully flawed trees take their rightful place in woodland ecology. As a result, nature...

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The elephant in the woods

Backus Woods, Ontario (Photo by NCC)

Backus Woods, Ontario (Photo by NCC)

Settled Southern Ontario still has magical places where you can experience the grandeur of wild nature. Backus Woods, just north of Lake Erie’s Long Point, is such a place. This is where forest cycles play out largely as nature intended....

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I saw tree chips: A carol for the Rice Lake Plains

NCC national staff tackling Scots pine on a nature reserve, ON (Photo by NCC)

NCC national staff tackling Scots pine on a nature reserve, ON (Photo by NCC)

A holiday-themed song for you, inspired by Nature Conservancy of Canada staff Val Deziel and Thom Unrau and their ongoing work removing non-native Scots pine trees from the Hazel Bird Nature Reserve in the Rice Lake Plains of Northumberland...

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Making peace with the Scotch pine (I mean, Scots pine)

Young volunteers tackling Scotch pine on an NCC reserve, ON (Photo by NCC)

Young volunteers tackling Scotch pine on an NCC reserve, ON (Photo by NCC)

When it comes to Christmas trees, I am a balsam fir man through-and-through. I like the form, the smell and the smooth, soft needles. I also admit that I am not crazy about Scotch pine, a main alternative here in Ontario. You could say we have...

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