Lights, camera, action! NCC conservation lands in the movies
Movie reel (Photo by Runner1616, Wikimedia Commons)
One of the many perks of working with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) in Alberta is I get to work in some of the most incredible landscapes in the province. In the course of my field work I’ve been to the Canadian Badlands, waded...
The perfection of the morning at Old Man on His Back
Kailey Setter visits Old Man on his Back, Saskatchewan (Photo by NCC)
There is a peace that finds you on the open prairie. In that vast openness, worry and stress diffuse into the air around you, and your body regains equilibrium. On this unexpectedly wild landscape filled with native grasses and endless sky, there...
Action vs inaction? A body in motion tends to stay in motion
Volunteers and staff working on fence, Haughan, Pakowki AB (Photo by NCC)
The road to my undergraduate degree may not have been paved with popcorn, but I certainly watched my fair share of environmental documentaries along the way. Climate change, food security, fossil fuels, fisheries, oceans, chemicals, deforestation...
The beaver: Nature's engineer..and archaeologist?
Beaver (Photo by Makedocreative/Wikimedia Commons)
The beaver has the distinguished reputation of being “nature’s engineer.” These furry, web-footed builders are skilled at taking raw materials and converting them into complex lodges and dams. Playing the role of woodcutter,...
How do you get a volunteer to stop working?
NCC staff and volunteers pose for a photo (Photo by NCC)
I usually catch people off guard when I tell them that during our Conservation Volunteers (CV) events my job is often not to motivate the volunteers, but to find ways to get them to stop working. They laugh because they think I’m joking or...
How do you get a volunteer to stop working?
NCC staff and volunteers pose for a photo (Photo by NCC)
I usually catch people off guard when I tell them that during our Conservation Volunteers (CV) events my job is often not to motivate the volunteers, but to find ways to get them to stop working. They laugh because they think I’m joking or...
Exploring new ways of connecting people with nature: Insights from the 2013 North American Association for Environmental Education conference
NCC staff and volunteers tackling invasive species at Collins Property, Red Deer River Natural Area, AB (Photo by NCC)
How can we expect someone to care about nature if they've had no personal experience with it? Endangered species, critical habitats, biodiversity — though we deal with these concepts every day at the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), they...