Thanks, all of you wonderful people!
A Conservation Volunteers event in 2015 attended by Virden Girl Guides. They got their hands dirty cleaning up old shingles and debris from the Jiggens Bluff property in Manitoba. (Photo by NCC)
As the community relations manager in Manitoba, when people want to work for the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) Manitoba Region, one of the faces they’ll often see in an interview process is mine. During these interviews,...
Where rivers and concrete meet the tall grass prairie
The Forks Prairie Garden, MB. (Photo by NCC)
I am an urban dweller. Sounds like an ugly confession, but it’s really not. It’s a just a different way of experiencing my natural world on a daily basis. Although I spent many years growing up in rural Manitoba and I still spend...
The forgotten habitat
The living room before the minimalism challenge. (Photo by NCC Staff)
Staff at the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) are incredibly knowledgeable when it comes to diverse habitats across Canada. From land to air to water, inhabited by the tiniest insects to the largest mammals, there aren’t many habitats we...