
Development needs can conflict with nature, but with knowledge we can grow together

Gaff Point, NS (Photo by Andrew Herygers/NCC staff)

Gaff Point, NS (Photo by Andrew Herygers/NCC staff)

Our lives depend on nature. From the water we drink, to the air we breathe and the experiences we enjoy outdoors, nature makes it possible. But what happens to these nature-based services as the world’s resource needs evolve and climate...

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How AI can benefit conservation

The Where to Work tool that allows users to set priorities on parameters such as (biodiversity, climate and ecosystem services) and receive a visualization of potential areas that is suitable for the goals we want to achieve.(Screenshot courtesy of NCC and Carleton University)

The Where to Work tool that allows users to set priorities on parameters such as (biodiversity, climate and ecosystem services) and receive a visualization of potential areas that is suitable for the goals we want to achieve.(Screenshot courtesy of NCC and Carleton University)

AI, or artificial intelligence, is in the news a lot lately. The stories range from very positive to doom and gloom. With all the talk about AI these days you might wonder, does AI play a role in the work that the Nature Conservancy of Canada...

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CARE: What does impact look like?

Hikers at Freshwater Bay, NL (Photo by Dennis Minty)

Hikers at Freshwater Bay, NL (Photo by Dennis Minty)

We know there has never been a more important time for nature, nor a greater need for the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) mission. The twin global crises of dramatic biodiversity loss and climate change will mark the decade...

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