
A novice’s guide to a Christmas Bird Count

Bird count volunteers (Photo by NCC)

Bird count volunteers (Photo by NCC)

Scientific study and academia can feel a long way away from the everyday lives of most Canadians, but for anyone with a pair of binoculars and a passion for wildlife, there is an opportunity to join in on the largest and longest running citizen...

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Sudbury lakes are becoming less acidic

Common loons moult their feathers, starting at the base of their bills, before autumn migration in September. (Photo by Robert Alvo)

Common loons moult their feathers, starting at the base of their bills, before autumn migration in September. (Photo by Robert Alvo)

In my July 5, 2018, blog, I summarized my findings of over 25 years of examining the effects of lake acidification on common loon breeding success in the Sudbury region of Ontario. Although Sudbury's lakes have improved after decades of sulphur...

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Giving gifts in the Napanee Limestone Plain

Friends enjoying some time together while helping open up the landscape (Photo by NCC)

Friends enjoying some time together while helping open up the landscape (Photo by NCC)

The Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) Conservation Volunteers program is a well-established and successful program that engages volunteers across the country. Recently, I hosted our first event in the Napanee Plain, and I have to...

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The importance of boreal forests

Boreal forest by Fort McMurray, AB (Photo by Michel Rapinski)

Boreal forest by Fort McMurray, AB (Photo by Michel Rapinski)

This past summer, the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) participated in the protection of the largest contiguous area of boreal forest in the world. This amazing feat was achieved in partnership with the Tallcree Tribal Government, the...

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You don't have to be a scientist

Evan Young kayaking (Photo by NCC)

Evan Young kayaking (Photo by NCC)

As an amateur naturalist, I’ve found it’s easy to learn new things; however, it’s getting much harder to retain everything I learn. Growing up on a farm in rural Nova Scotia, I’ve always had a passion for the outdoors,...

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Cozy one-bedroom bird house available for a low price

A bird box (Photo by NCC)

A bird box (Photo by NCC)

This spring, the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) held a Conservation Volunteers event at NCC’s Edenwold property to install bird boxes. In typical Saskatchewan fashion, it had been 30 C all week, but as soon as the field day came, the...

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National Appreciation Week for Animal and Rescue Shelters

Me volunteering at the Funds for Animals Wildlife Center in Ramona, California. (Photo by the Humane Society of the United States)

Me volunteering at the Funds for Animals Wildlife Center in Ramona, California. (Photo by the Humane Society of the United States)

As an animal lover, my social media feed tends to be filled with animal-related posts. It consists of heartwarming stories, such as animal rescues, adoption stories, species reintroductions, etc. If you also have a soft spot for animals,...

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Close encounters with a peregrine falcon

Peregrine falcons (Photo by Evan Young/NCC)

Peregrine falcons (Photo by Evan Young/NCC)

NCC’s Johnson’s Mills Shorebird Reserve and Interpretive Centre in New Brunswick, on the Bay of Fundy, is located on the route of one of the world’s most spectacular bird migrations. The Bay of Fundy is a stopover site for...

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Location, location, location: Building real estate for cavity dwellers

Black-capped chickadee (Photo by Lorne)

Black-capped chickadee (Photo by Lorne)

The number of tree cavities are often limited on the landscape, but there are many different species that require cavities for their home (such as squirrels, bats and birds). As a result, cavities that suit the needs of a given species are a hot...

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A bird (book) in the hand: Birds of Nunavut and UBC Press’s legacy of ornithological publishing

Left to right: Alexa Love (catalogues and advertising manager and cover designer for Birds of Nunavut), Melissa Pitts (director) and Holly Keller (assistant director, production and editorial services)

Left to right: Alexa Love (catalogues and advertising manager and cover designer for Birds of Nunavut), Melissa Pitts (director) and Holly Keller (assistant director, production and editorial services)

In my early days working at University of British Columbia (UBC) Press, I was tasked with maintaining the shelves used to house old and new UBC Press books. As I was shelving books one afternoon, I noticed large volumes of books, seemingly out of...

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