
Volunteers make Big Valley flourish

Volunteers and staff prior to planting (Photo by NCC)

Volunteers and staff prior to planting (Photo by NCC)

The Qu’Appelle River Valley is one of Saskatchewan’s prominent scenic landscapes. Its picturesque slopes and waterways host a wide variety species and offer views unlike any other in the province. I’ve driven through this region...

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A week away: Cape Breton Island

Cain's Mountain (Photo by Mike Dembeck)

Cain's Mountain (Photo by Mike Dembeck)

Being able to work directly in nature is one of the reasons I love working as a conservation intern for the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC). Gaining more field work experience at NCC as the summer weeks progressed made for an epic, four-night...

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Introduction to NCC and field work

Samantha Stegen at Prospect, NS (Photo by NCC)

Samantha Stegen at Prospect, NS (Photo by NCC)

Since a young age, I have had a deep appreciation for nature, leading me to complete a bachelor of science degree in environmental science at Acadia University in 2020 and begin my master’s of resource and environmental management at...

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Something’s Fishy: On the down low

Aerial view of Foxner Nature Reserve, NB (Photo by Mike Dembeck)

Aerial view of Foxner Nature Reserve, NB (Photo by Mike Dembeck)

Many freshwater fish are extremely susceptible to changes in the waters they live in. Pollution and sediments can all impact the health of lakes, rivers and streams. But did you know that temperature can impact the amount of oxygen in the...

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The Seven Sacred Teachings: What we can learn from the species we protect

Arched rock at Wilson Island, Ontario (Photo by Michelle Derosier, Thunderstone Pictures)

Arched rock at Wilson Island, Ontario (Photo by Michelle Derosier, Thunderstone Pictures)

There are many land-based Indigenous Teachings that we all can benefit from learning. Above all, caring for the land and ensuring its survival and that it thrives is a teaching in itself. It something that we at the Nature Conservancy of Canada...

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A call to action: The United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration

A restored wetland in Norfolk, ON (Photo by NCC)

A restored wetland in Norfolk, ON (Photo by NCC)

Earlier this June, on World Environment Day, the United Nations kicked off the Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, lasting from 2021 to 2030. The goal of this global movement is to “prevent, halt and reverse the degradation of ecosystems on...

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UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration: 5 ways NCC volunteers are contributing

Restored wetland, Pelee Island, ON (Photo by NCC)

Restored wetland, Pelee Island, ON (Photo by NCC)

2021-2030 marks the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, indicating the urgent need for humans to prevent and protect our Earth’s ecosystems from further degradation. As a new summer intern with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC),...

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The ocean has a chance to recover within 30 years

Sea otter (Photo by Kate, Unsplash)

Sea otter (Photo by Kate, Unsplash)

Marine life, habitats and ecosystems have a chance to recover within 30 years according to a new study in Nature. While this would require huge conservation efforts and major policy changes, we have the knowledge to make this happen by 2050. The...

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Environment week 2021: Species we have saved

Trumpeter swan family (Photo by Karol Dabbs)

Trumpeter swan family (Photo by Karol Dabbs)

For many of us, wildlife is the symbol of nature conservation. This isn’t surprising; humans have lived closely with other living things for most of our history. We knew the names and habits of animals, and we held knowledge of the plants...

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By conserving and restoring nature’s foundation we can build a more prosperous future for Canada

Low tide kelp forest (Photo by Mark Smith, Flickr)

Low tide kelp forest (Photo by Mark Smith, Flickr)

We are coming to the end of an era in human history. For much of our human existence, nature has been in abundance. While even early humans were able to deplete natural resources locally, and some past civilizations collapsed as a result, we have...

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