
Invasive Species Olympics

Phragmites javelin (Photo by NCC)

Phragmites javelin (Photo by NCC)

The Olympic Games: the spectacle of international competition, where every four years, thousands of athletes from over 200 countries compete in the pinnacle of their sport. Inspired by the ancient Olympic Games, first held in Olympia, Greece, in...

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What is GIS anyway?

Sometimes Alayna Chan comes into the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) office on a Thursday and sits down at her desk to work on data entry. (Photo by NCC)

Sometimes Alayna Chan comes into the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) office on a Thursday and sits down at her desk to work on data entry. (Photo by NCC)

Sometimes Alayna Chan comes into the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) office on a Thursday and sits down at her desk to work on data entry. Sometimes she comes in on a Thursday and takes a truck out to do some bird banding in...

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Reforestation breathes fresh air into efforts against climate change

Forests are a vital part of our fight against climate change. (Photo by NCC)

Forests are a vital part of our fight against climate change. (Photo by NCC)

When you think of Saskatchewan, your first thoughts probably go to flat cropland, rolling grasslands, sunsets and open horizons — and not forests. In reality, our prairie province is actually more than 50 per cent forested. In fact, boreal...

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Meadows for Monarchs

Meadows for Monarchs event participants (Photo by NCC)

Meadows for Monarchs event participants (Photo by NCC)

If you thought you saw more monarchs flitting about last summer and fall, you were right. Monarch Watch reported that 2018 was a good year for the iconic orange and black butterfly, thanks to a combination of aggressive conservation efforts in...

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Ain’t no mountain high enough

Hikers in Happy Valley Forest, ON (Photo by NCC)

Hikers in Happy Valley Forest, ON (Photo by NCC)

So, you’re the master of hiking up hills in the Greater Toronto Area, are you? You take the stairs over the escalator at the shopping mall. You’ve conquered the stair climber at your local gym. Perhaps you’ve even climbed the CN...

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Career curiosity

Drew dostaler, NCC's 2019 national conservation engagement intern (Photo courtesy of Drew Dostaler/NCC staff)

Drew dostaler, NCC's 2019 national conservation engagement intern (Photo courtesy of Drew Dostaler/NCC staff)

My time here at the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) has marked a pivotal moment in my life, exposing me to the non-profit sector, different conservation processes and new challenges. With all of these new experiences, though, I have to wonder:...

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Women in conservation: A promising future (Part two)

Kaitlin Baril, NCC Saskatchewan Region's 2019 natural area intern (Photo by NCC)

Kaitlin Baril, NCC Saskatchewan Region's 2019 natural area intern (Photo by NCC)

This is part two of “Women in conservation: A promising future.” Click here to read part one. In this blog post, I continue my conversation with six female Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) Saskatchewan Region interns about their...

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Connecting the rivers for our future

Stehelin property, NS (Photo by NCC)

Stehelin property, NS (Photo by NCC)

After three years of data collection covering 600,000 kilometres of rivers and streams, and collaboration between two countries and four provinces, Josh Noseworthy, director of conservation science at the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC)...

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Women in conservation: A promising future (Part one)

Elan Marsall, NCC Saskatchewan Region's 2019 conservation engagement intern (Photo by NCC)

Elan Marsall, NCC Saskatchewan Region's 2019 conservation engagement intern (Photo by NCC)

This year, the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) Regina office has an all-female intern team. That’s six young women, myself included, pursuing conservation work. Over the past month, I talked to my peers about their work...

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Black bear versus trail cam

Black bear (Photo by NCC)

Black bear (Photo by NCC)

Last summer, Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) Saskatchewan Region employees identified possible Canada lynx tracks on the Nathan Lang Memorial Property. This prompted them to find a way to monitor what species could be recorded on the property...

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