
A global conservation conversation

Green Mountains Nature Reserve (Photo by Don and Karol Dabbs)

Green Mountains Nature Reserve (Photo by Don and Karol Dabbs)

The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) recently spoke with Olaf Jensen about the status of conservation in Canada the world. Olaf is the director of protected areas division with the Canadian Wildlife Service of Environment and Climate Change...

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Walking the walk at the Milburn Creek Nature Reserve

Milburn Creek tile mosaic by Sharon Freeman (Photo by Jennifer Gagne)

Milburn Creek tile mosaic by Sharon Freeman (Photo by Jennifer Gagne)

This is my 10th year living in Battersea, Ontario, and I have walked the nearby Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) trail around Milburn Creek many times, passing through woods and meadow, and stopping to admire granite outcroppings, the meandering...

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Sharing a quiet forest with a Canada lynx

Canada lynx (Photo by Mike Dembeck)

Canada lynx (Photo by Mike Dembeck)

Sitting for hours inside a cramped, cold blind waiting for wildlife doesn't sound exciting — but it is. Being able to observe animals in their natural surroundings isn't just a thrill, it's a passion, and one that doesn't come easy and is...

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Learning not to eat a newt

Beaver pond (Photo by Lenore Atwood)

Beaver pond (Photo by Lenore Atwood)

Our encounters with the natural world are often unexpected and surprising. Lenore, an ardent nature photographer, looks over an ancient beaver pond while perching motionless on a log. “They also serve who only sit and wait” is her...

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My journey with the majestic snow geese: Unveiling climate change clues in Canada

Snow geese (Photo by Leta Pezderic/NCC staff)

Snow geese (Photo by Leta Pezderic/NCC staff)

I've always been captivated by Canada's diverse landscapes. They boast not only breathtaking beauty but also a rich diversity of bird species, especially remarkable waterfowl. The annual migrations of these birds are more than just natural...

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Leaving no trace when taking nature photos

Spending time in nearby nature fosters a deeper appreciation for it (Photo by Mariam Qureshi)

Spending time in nearby nature fosters a deeper appreciation for it (Photo by Mariam Qureshi)

As nature enthusiasts, many of us love to capture the beauty of the outdoors through photography. However, it's important to remember that we have a responsibility to protect the natural environment we love so much. This is where the Leave No...

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Fifty years ago

Abraham Lake Nature Reserve, NS (Photo by Len Wagg)

Abraham Lake Nature Reserve, NS (Photo by Len Wagg)

Fifty years ago, as a junior forester, I was introduced to “Big Red.” Towering above the other red spruce trees in a classic example of old-growth Wabanaki (Acadian) forest, Big Red was located near the trailhead of the Nature...

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The two-way street between a thriving environment and happiness

People spending time in nature (Photo by Joe McFarlane/iStock)

People spending time in nature (Photo by Joe McFarlane/iStock)

In the Carleton University happiness lab, our biggest line of research explores the idea that environmental sustainability can come via a happy path through nature. This seems especially relevant in the last couple of years, as the COVID-19...

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When it comes to wetland restoration and maximizing soil carbon storage, location matters

A day in the field at the Long Point Biosphere Reserve (Photo by Amanda Loder)

A day in the field at the Long Point Biosphere Reserve (Photo by Amanda Loder)

As appreciation from the public grows for the ecological and cultural values of wetlands, there is increasing demand to bring back those wetlands that have been converted or altered. Wetlands were once widespread across the temperate region of...

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Big Backyard BioBlitz: Your cell phone and curiosity can contribute to scientific research

Monarch butterfly (Photo by A. Dabydeen)

Monarch butterfly (Photo by A. Dabydeen)

Until recently, I thought that "scientific research" was something only done in labs, hospitals and research institutes, by scientists with four different PhDs. Turns out that's not true! When it comes to monitoring biodiversity, community science...

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