
Many strengths, one mindset

The eastern Ontario field crew. From left to right: Amelia Bonenfant, Maggie Stevenson, Alexandra Belanger, Megan Quinn, Gretta Lumsden (Photo by NCC)

The eastern Ontario field crew. From left to right: Amelia Bonenfant, Maggie Stevenson, Alexandra Belanger, Megan Quinn, Gretta Lumsden (Photo by NCC)

When I was hired as a conservation technician for the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) Ontario Region, I could barely contain my excitement! Getting hands-on conservation work experience with like-minded individuals had always...

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Tiny beauties: Orchids on the Bruce

Broad-lipped twayblade (Photo by NCC)

Broad-lipped twayblade (Photo by NCC)

As a former conservation technician intern at the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), I was lucky enough to see and learn a lot about nature and how to conserve it. When I worked for NCC, I had the opportunity to explore many different ecosystems...

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Engaging interns in building a legacy

Laura Rincon, former GIS intern for NCC's Atlantic region (Photo by NCC)

Laura Rincon, former GIS intern for NCC's Atlantic region (Photo by NCC)

Across Canada, there is an abundance of natural areas, from endangered grasslands in Saskatchewan to the rare, lush Acadian forested region of the Maritimes. These natural areas sustain a diversity of wildlife and plant species. Here at the...

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You don't have to be a scientist

Evan Young kayaking (Photo by NCC)

Evan Young kayaking (Photo by NCC)

As an amateur naturalist, I’ve found it’s easy to learn new things; however, it’s getting much harder to retain everything I learn. Growing up on a farm in rural Nova Scotia, I’ve always had a passion for the outdoors,...

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Cozy one-bedroom bird house available for a low price

A bird box (Photo by NCC)

A bird box (Photo by NCC)

This spring, the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) held a Conservation Volunteers event at NCC’s Edenwold property to install bird boxes. In typical Saskatchewan fashion, it had been 30 C all week, but as soon as the field day came, the...

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Close encounters with a peregrine falcon

Peregrine falcons (Photo by Evan Young/NCC)

Peregrine falcons (Photo by Evan Young/NCC)

NCC’s Johnson’s Mills Shorebird Reserve and Interpretive Centre in New Brunswick, on the Bay of Fundy, is located on the route of one of the world’s most spectacular bird migrations. The Bay of Fundy is a stopover site for...

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Reflecting on today for tomorrow: Closing thoughts on my internship at NCC

Veshani Sewlall at the Conservation Volunteers butterfly count at Carden Alvar, ON (Photo by NCC)

Veshani Sewlall at the Conservation Volunteers butterfly count at Carden Alvar, ON (Photo by NCC)

During the last few days of my internship at the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), I began to reflect on the past two and a half months serving as the national communications intern. Looking back, there are many things I accomplished during my...

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Science is for the birds

MAPS station at Big Valley property, SK (Photo by NCC)

MAPS station at Big Valley property, SK (Photo by NCC)

As a summer intern for the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), I have had the opportunity to participate in many cool conservation activities. One of the neatest projects I got to work on this past summer was the MAPS station that NCC is running...

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Step into the wilderness with just a 15-minute paddle from the city

A beach in the Hochelaga Archipelago (Photo by NCC)

A beach in the Hochelaga Archipelago (Photo by NCC)

I like to imagine the St. Lawrence islands like treasures situated in the middle of the river; little parcels of paradise that were accidentally dropped into our province, just two steps from Montreal. Stéphanie...

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How animals judge distance

Peregrine falcon  (Photo by Stuart Clarke)

Peregrine falcon (Photo by Stuart Clarke)

Animals can jump great distances, dodge predators and catch fast moving prey. How do they do it? They use their binocular vision to judge the distance in a millisecond. The question of how this works came to me from a curious Saskatchewan...

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