
What is GIS anyway?

Sometimes Alayna Chan comes into the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) office on a Thursday and sits down at her desk to work on data entry. (Photo by NCC)

Sometimes Alayna Chan comes into the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) office on a Thursday and sits down at her desk to work on data entry. (Photo by NCC)

Sometimes Alayna Chan comes into the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) office on a Thursday and sits down at her desk to work on data entry. Sometimes she comes in on a Thursday and takes a truck out to do some bird banding in...

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Backpack Essentials: Get ready for wetlands

Backpack Essentials (Image by NCC)

Backpack Essentials (Image by NCC)

This blog post is part of the Backpack Essentials series, a series that explores the items that Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) staff carry with them when heading outside. It is inspired by the quarterly Nature Conservancy of Canada Magazine...

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Career curiosity

Drew dostaler, NCC's 2019 national conservation engagement intern (Photo courtesy of Drew Dostaler/NCC staff)

Drew dostaler, NCC's 2019 national conservation engagement intern (Photo courtesy of Drew Dostaler/NCC staff)

My time here at the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) has marked a pivotal moment in my life, exposing me to the non-profit sector, different conservation processes and new challenges. With all of these new experiences, though, I have to wonder:...

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Women in conservation: A promising future (Part two)

Kaitlin Baril, NCC Saskatchewan Region's 2019 natural area intern (Photo by NCC)

Kaitlin Baril, NCC Saskatchewan Region's 2019 natural area intern (Photo by NCC)

This is part two of “Women in conservation: A promising future.” Click here to read part one. In this blog post, I continue my conversation with six female Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) Saskatchewan Region interns about their...

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Women in conservation: A promising future (Part one)

Elan Marsall, NCC Saskatchewan Region's 2019 conservation engagement intern (Photo by NCC)

Elan Marsall, NCC Saskatchewan Region's 2019 conservation engagement intern (Photo by NCC)

This year, the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) Regina office has an all-female intern team. That’s six young women, myself included, pursuing conservation work. Over the past month, I talked to my peers about their work...

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Citizen science: Conserving nature and communities for mutual benefit

Twenty-four people came out to NCC's Dundurn property in Saskatchewan to learn about citizen science and land conservation. (Photo by NCC)

Twenty-four people came out to NCC's Dundurn property in Saskatchewan to learn about citizen science and land conservation. (Photo by NCC)

If you see a group of hikers with their eyes glued to their phones, do not despair. They are likely just using the citizen science app iNaturalist to identify species; you can literally smell the roses and then use an app to find out what kind of...

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Grab your binoculars and get outside

Cedar waxwing (Photo by June Swift)

Cedar waxwing (Photo by June Swift)

Grab your binoculars and get outside. Listen, and scan the trees and sky with your eyes. That’s what I, a few fellow Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) interns, staff and friends did on June 14, 2019. At 6 a.m., we started out on a walk...

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Black bear versus trail cam

Black bear (Photo by NCC)

Black bear (Photo by NCC)

Last summer, Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) Saskatchewan Region employees identified possible Canada lynx tracks on the Nathan Lang Memorial Property. This prompted them to find a way to monitor what species could be recorded on the property...

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A thank you letter to NCC

Leigh Gustafson (Photo by Brendan Kelly Photography)

Leigh Gustafson (Photo by Brendan Kelly Photography)

For as long as I can remember, I have loved animals. I used to spend my spare time sprawled in the grass with a pencil in hand, drawing pictures of my favourite animals from my Dad’s Mammals of North America atlas. I incessantly dreamed of...

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Collaborating with Indigenous communities for land conservation

Learning the Land brings educational projects and initiatives to schools and communities on Treaty 4 lands. (Photo by NCC)

Learning the Land brings educational projects and initiatives to schools and communities on Treaty 4 lands. (Photo by NCC)

Five years ago, in her work as the director of conservation for the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) Saskatchewan Region, Jennifer McKillop had conversations with the Treaty Four Educational Alliance (T4EA) in order to start a...

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