
Women in conservation: Annie Ferland

Annie Ferland with the Google trekker on Alfred-Kelly Nature Reserve, QC. (Photo by NCC)

Annie Ferland with the Google trekker on Alfred-Kelly Nature Reserve, QC. (Photo by NCC)

In honour of International Women’s Day (March 8), we’re celebrating eight female conservationists at the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) who are working to create a stronger future for Canada’s landscapes. When she was young,...

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Women in conservation: Kathryn Folkl

Kathryn Folkl (Photo by NCC)

Kathryn Folkl (Photo by NCC)

In honour of International Women’s Day (March 8), we’re celebrating eight female conservationists at the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) who are working to create a stronger future for Canada’s landscapes. Growing up on the...

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What's ahead for NCC in 2017?

Family hiking near the mountains (Photo courtesy ParticipACTION)

Family hiking near the mountains (Photo courtesy ParticipACTION)

Conservation has always been a diplomatic balance between fear and hope. Too much fear, and our actions seem futile. Too much hope, and optimism may blind us. There is fear over the state of nature in Canada. Loss of habitats and species, climate...

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Ten of nature's strangest mating strategies

Angler fish (Photo by David Shale)

Angler fish (Photo by David Shale)

During my final year of university, I took a course called Evolution and Reproduction, which explored various animal mating strategies. It was one of my most fascinating classes; the material was mind blowing, the professor was a hoot and the...

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Why Canada matters on World Wetlands Day

Wetlands in the Marion Creek Benchlands, British Columbia (Photo by Tim Ennis/NCC)

Wetlands in the Marion Creek Benchlands, British Columbia (Photo by Tim Ennis/NCC)

While other nations have picked wetland wildlife, such as Finland’s whooper swan or Pakistan’s Indus crocodile, to represent their country, Canada is the only country in the world that has selected a wetland engineer as its national...

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Something's Fishy: Somewhere over the rainbow

The Rainbow Fish (Illustration by Marcus Pfister)

The Rainbow Fish (Illustration by Marcus Pfister)

It’s no surprise that my favourite childhood book to cuddle up with my mom to read before bed was The Rainbow Fish, by Swiss author and illustrator Marcus Pfister. After my mom tucked me in, I would close my eyes and dream of swimming...

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Discovering the natural wonders of Manitoba

Fort Ellice, Riding Mountain (Photo by NCC)

Fort Ellice, Riding Mountain (Photo by NCC)

I grew up in southwestern Manitoba, living only a few minutes from both the American and Saskatchewan borders, and I have remained in the province while completing my undergraduate and graduate degrees. In the past year, I spent a lot of time...

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Canada's bats in crisis

Little brown myotis (Photo by Brock Fenton)

Little brown myotis (Photo by Brock Fenton)

I’ll never forget the first time I saw a cloud of little brown myotis bats flying in broad daylight at the coldest time of the year in January. There was something vaguely disturbing and peculiar about seeing them fluttering around against a...

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Top 10 blog posts of 2016

Snow forest on Darkwoods, BC (Photo by NCC)

Snow forest on Darkwoods, BC (Photo by NCC)

This past year, Land Lines published content that celebrated the wonders of the world around us. From adventures on high mountain tops to exploring coastal habitats in Atlantic Canada, stories have come in from Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC)...

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Saving our planet: 10 good news conservation stories from 2016

The choices we make about our planet in the next decade are going to impact nature and the well-being of people for generations to come. Both nature and human well-being face some big challenges. Biodiversity continues to be threatened by habitat...

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