
Reigniting a love of insects

Monarch (Photo by NCC)

Monarch (Photo by NCC)

The love of insects can be a tough sell to many adults. Much like a fascination with dinosaurs, it seems that an interest in insects peaks during childhood and then declines for most people. Butterflies, however, are one of the few insects that...

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Please fence me in

Tim Teetaert and Stephen Gietz installing fences at the Manitoba Tall Grass Prairie Preserve (Photo by NCC)

Tim Teetaert and Stephen Gietz installing fences at the Manitoba Tall Grass Prairie Preserve (Photo by NCC)

If you drove down Manitoba Provincial Road 201 this past summer, you may have seen Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) staffers installing fencing along a portion of NCC land at the Manitoba Tall Grass Prairie Preserve. You may have even asked...

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Tiny beauties: Orchids on the Bruce

Broad-lipped twayblade (Photo by NCC)

Broad-lipped twayblade (Photo by NCC)

As a former conservation technician intern at the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), I was lucky enough to see and learn a lot about nature and how to conserve it. When I worked for NCC, I had the opportunity to explore many different ecosystems...

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Lending a hand at Bunchberry Meadows

Volunteers bagging thistle flower heads (Photo by NCC)

Volunteers bagging thistle flower heads (Photo by NCC)

On August 30, 2018, I attended a Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) Conservation Volunteers event at NCC’s Bunchberry Meadows property in Alberta. This property was purchased as a joint project with the Edmonton & Area Land Trust, an...

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Engaging interns in building a legacy

Laura Rincon, former GIS intern for NCC's Atlantic region (Photo by NCC)

Laura Rincon, former GIS intern for NCC's Atlantic region (Photo by NCC)

Across Canada, there is an abundance of natural areas, from endangered grasslands in Saskatchewan to the rare, lush Acadian forested region of the Maritimes. These natural areas sustain a diversity of wildlife and plant species. Here at the...

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Giving gifts in the Napanee Limestone Plain

Friends enjoying some time together while helping open up the landscape (Photo by NCC)

Friends enjoying some time together while helping open up the landscape (Photo by NCC)

The Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) Conservation Volunteers program is a well-established and successful program that engages volunteers across the country. Recently, I hosted our first event in the Napanee Plain, and I have to...

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Close encounters of a furry kind

Plains bison (Photo by NCC)

Plains bison (Photo by NCC)

Confession time: I am not a cowboy. There, I said it! My Carhartts have a lot more house paint on them than cow manure. My farming background is in grains (I am a proud agro and I used to be able to unload on the fly, sort of like these guys), and...

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Volunteers build resiliency

Volunteers at NCC's River Bends on the Mend CV event. (Photo by Miguel Hortiguela)

Volunteers at NCC's River Bends on the Mend CV event. (Photo by Miguel Hortiguela)

Every December 5, on International Volunteer Day, the United Nations recognizes volunteers worldwide for their efforts and celebrates the impact that volunteerism is making toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals — a collection of...

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Nature perspectives through art

Megan Quinn, conservation biology coordinator in Ontario (Photo by Charles T. Low Photography)

Megan Quinn, conservation biology coordinator in Ontario (Photo by Charles T. Low Photography)

I am not an artist by any stretch of the imagination. Don't get me wrong; I do like art. I was the high school student who spent her evenings in the art room, trying to build canvases that didn’t fall apart, and twist wires into the shape of...

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The importance of boreal forests

Boreal forest by Fort McMurray, AB (Photo by Michel Rapinski)

Boreal forest by Fort McMurray, AB (Photo by Michel Rapinski)

This past summer, the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) participated in the protection of the largest contiguous area of boreal forest in the world. This amazing feat was achieved in partnership with the Tallcree Tribal Government, the...

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