Thank you, volunteers!
Volunteers transplant short-ligule ammophilia plants on the sandbar of the Barachois of Malbaie in Gaspésie (Photo by NCC)
Since 1962, the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) has conserved habitat across Canada equivalent to an area totalling almost four times the size of Vancouver Island. It’s no surprise that a lot of work goes on behind the scenes once an...
Thanks, all of you wonderful people!
A Conservation Volunteers event in 2015 attended by Virden Girl Guides. They got their hands dirty cleaning up old shingles and debris from the Jiggens Bluff property in Manitoba. (Photo by NCC)
As the community relations manager in Manitoba, when people want to work for the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) Manitoba Region, one of the faces they’ll often see in an interview process is mine. During these interviews,...
Thank you, Ontario volunteers
Plugs for the Prairies CV event at Hazel Bird Nature Reserve, 2019 (Photo by Chelsea Marcantonio)
Volunteers are an integral part of the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) work. Whether it be in the field or in the office, our volunteers are always eager to lend a helping hand. Although the pandemic has temporarily put the...
Re-wilding myself
Conservation Volunteers planting trees at at the Meeting Lake 03 property, SK (Photo by NCC)
Field work, one of the highlights for many Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) staff, was a little harder to come by this year because of COVID-19, but thanks to hard work by engagement staff and with all the safety protocols in place, we were able...
Lessons learned from volunteers
Group of volunteers after a clean up at the Jim Prentice property 2019 (Photo by David Thomas)
In a typical year, around the time of International Volunteer Day (this year, December 5), I would be wrapping up our final volunteer events for the year and switching gears to planning for the next year. But as we all know, this year has been...
My Pike Lake Bioblitz
Caterpillar (Photo by Shirley Humphries)
A Nature Conservancy Canada (NCC) email popped up: "Big Backyard BioBlitz,” September 24 to 30, 2020! That sounded both appealing and doable without the risk of COVID-19 exposure. I would go to Pike Lake Provincial Park, where there are a...
Connection and conservation during COVID-19
Exploring Burntcoat Head Park in Noel, Nova Scotia. (Photo by Kyle Erickson)
A year ago, my husband and I sold our house, packed up everything we owned — including two cats — and relocated from Edmonton to Halifax. Between new jobs, a new home and a new city, we didn’t have a lot of time to get involved...
Getting pushy in a puddle
Two American robins refusing to share a puddle (Photo by Janis Turner)
This is the story of two American robins not very successfully sharing one road puddle for bathing. I observed this down by the front street from my condo, and the sun was just up over the buildings in the east. I heard a lot of robin activity...
Rooting myself in restoration
All smiles after a full day in the field at the Napanee Plain Alvar Nature Reserve, cutting back sumac and prickly ash to improve the habitat quality for eastern loggerhead shrike. (Photo by Samantha Ceci)
My career in the field of ecosystem restoration has begun to sprout, thanks to the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC). It all began with an email last year, where I inquired about volunteering for NCC. I was interested in shifting gears in my...
Out in the woods at Nebo
Pond at Nebo (Photo by Bill Armstrong)
Having experienced several Conservation Volunteers (CV) events on Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) properties over several years, spending part of a day at the end of September on the 178-hectare (439-acre) Nebo property in Saskatchewan was a...