
A walk through the prairies with Jared Clarke (Podcast)

Aerial view of Fairy Hill South, Saskatchewan (Photo by Shaylee Booty Sebastian)

Aerial view of Fairy Hill South, Saskatchewan (Photo by Shaylee Booty Sebastian)

After work on April 25, I went out with Jared Clarke from The Prairie Naturalist radio show (CJTR community radio) to Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC's) Fairy Hill property. Our conversation starts after we’ve walked down the hill...

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Optical illusions in the wild

Ruby-throated hummingbird (Photo by Brian Lasenby)

Ruby-throated hummingbird (Photo by Brian Lasenby)

Yet another optical illusion has the internet up in fits. In case you missed #TheDress and its sequel, the Adidas jacket, an image of what appears to be a rock lodged in a brick wall will make you think twice about the reality you perceive. So...

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Darwin, phoebe and International Biodiversity Day

Eastern phoebe (Photo by John Benson, Wikimedia Commons)

Eastern phoebe (Photo by John Benson, Wikimedia Commons)

I saw an eastern phoebe yesterday. Phoebes are small and drab birds, they don’t have a pretty song, they don't do anything particularly endearing, other than bob their tails when perched on branches. I know, I know...big deal. Phoebes...

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So you'd like to see a warbler...

Black-and-white warbler (Photo by NCC)

Black-and-white warbler (Photo by NCC)

I like birding at just about any point of the year, but spring birding brings a certain excitement after a long winter season. Throughout Canada, warblers and other songbirds are starting to flock to landscapes that were recently quiet. Many are...

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Thanks Florida, thanks Virginia…They made it to Canada!

Palm warbler (Photo by Marshall Faintich)

Palm warbler (Photo by Marshall Faintich)

With a mild winter and an early start to spring, the palm warblers have already arrived. They are starting to nest throughout Canada, and it is a joy to hear their lovely trills filling the woods. The forests here truly come alive with colour and...

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Lessons learned from Mother Goose: How I learned to appreciate Canada geese through three seasons of careful observation

Canada goose (Photo by Denise Harris)

Canada goose (Photo by Denise Harris)

Sometimes we don’t know what we have until we lose it, and that is exactly how I feel about Canada geese this spring. This year, I have discovered the territorial a flock of Canada geese who conveniently bred in my urban backyard for the...

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Ohhhhh Canada, Viva Virginia…This is Florida calling!

Palm warbler (Collage by One Sky Our Birds)

Palm warbler (Collage by One Sky Our Birds)

I have some exciting news from Florida: I am starting to see flocks of wood-warblers in our coastal hammocks on the Great Florida Birding and Wildlife Trail. They have just completed an epic journey from the tropics, where they spent the winter...

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Be a beaver believer

Beaver (Photo by Makedocreative/Wikimedia Commons)

Beaver (Photo by Makedocreative/Wikimedia Commons)

Aside from the long list of initiatives celebrated today, April 7 is also a day to celebrate beavers! For starters, here’s a little beaver-inspired anecdote from our Alberta office: “There was once a young man who walked to work...

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Wondrous, whimsical and inconceivable words for wildlife

A romp of sea otters  (Photo by Mike Baird, Wikimedia Commons)

A romp of sea otters (Photo by Mike Baird, Wikimedia Commons)

A leap of leopards. A prickle of porcupines. A romp of otters, an exaltation of larks. These terms are not typically very practical, yet the collective nouns used for animals are fanciful. And fanciful is good. I like to think these charming...

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A race for survival, and a photo finish

Ella enjoying the sunrise along the Beaver River trail (Photo by Mark Stabb/NCC staff)

Ella enjoying the sunrise along the Beaver River trail (Photo by Mark Stabb/NCC staff)

Nature lovers are spoiled by the phenomenal wildlife footage circulating on various media these days. But you don’t have to be a cinematographer to capture real-life wildlife “foot”-age of your own. This little photo essay shows...

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