
The Alphabet Soup of conservation: Learning to speak a different language

Alphabet Soup (Photo by Wikimedia Commons, strawberryblues)

Alphabet Soup (Photo by Wikimedia Commons, strawberryblues)

As a communications person and someone who doesn't get out into the field often, I consider myself fortunate to work with very bright and talented people within the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC). They are certainly dedicated and committed to...

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How time flies: Looking back on my quindecennial with NCC

Doug Bliss, Atlantic regional director, Canadian Wildlife Service, Linda Stephenson, Atlantic regional vice president, NCC and Charles Duncan, director of WHSRN executive office unveil commemorative print of semipalmated sandpipers by artist Robert Lyon (Photo by NCC)

Doug Bliss, Atlantic regional director, Canadian Wildlife Service, Linda Stephenson, Atlantic regional vice president, NCC and Charles Duncan, director of WHSRN executive office unveil commemorative print of semipalmated sandpipers by artist Robert Lyon (Photo by NCC)

They say “time flies when you are having fun.” Guess that explains why the past decade and a half seem to have gone by at warp speed. You can break it down to be 5,475 days, or 780 weeks or 180 months, but any way you slice it, this is...

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There, and back again: Why I left NCC, and then came back

Port Joli, Nova Scotia (Photo by Mike Dembeck)

Port Joli, Nova Scotia (Photo by Mike Dembeck)

There is a framed drawing of a turtle that hangs on the wall in my office. Beneath its crusty shell is written: “Turtles are a symbol of self-nurturance and encouragement. They remind us that despite our busy schedules, we don’t need...

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