Mother grizzly bear and her cub (Photo by Brocken Inaglory)
The skies are clear on this mid-afternoon in July, with a light breeze blowing in from the Pacific Ocean. A flock of geese fly overhead, honking loudly to one another. A grizzly sow plops down on the small, grassy ridge overlooking a knee-deep...
Exploring wildlife in Wuikinuxv
This image, taken of a bear scratching its back against a tree, was taken with a trail camera in Wuikinuxv. (Photo by NCC)
We just transitioned out of Wuikinuxv, so now is the perfect time to give a spring update. The Wuikinuxv bear monitoring project was a huge success in 2014. With support from Wuikinuxv Nation, the Tula Foundation, Raincoast Conservation, and the...
Small mammals of the Sage and Sparrow Conservation Area
Western harvest mouse, the real life Pikachu! (Photo by Andy Teucher)
In the early 1990s, esteemed entomologist Geoff Scudder spent time in the South Okanagan creating an inventory of the insects that lived in this near-desert landscape. In a happy accident, the traps set out for insects ended up catching a couple...
My Klinaklini
Dalton's Hideaway in the Klinaklini Valley, BC (Photo by NCC)
(The Nature Conservancy of Canada's (NCC’s) Peter Shaughnessy looks after some of NCC’s most remote projects in British Columbia. Our conservation areas in the Kilinaklini River Valley in the west-central part of the province top the...
UFO sightings in BC? No, just getting a different vantage point on the Sage and Sparrow Conservation Area
Hexacopter (Photo by NCC)
In the video, the camera seems to fly over two Nature Conservancy (NCC) staff as they walk along a cliff-side. You might wonder: how did they make that camera fly and take such great shots? Recently, the BC Region arranged for a short video to be...
Impressions of a preserve
BC Garry Oak (Photo by Tim Ennis NCC)
The Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC's) Cowichan Garry Oak Preserve personifies old. The gnarled Garry oak trees stand staunchly in a fading fall meadow, resolute in their sense of place. A 120-year-old farmhouse sits among the oaks like...
Where the bears are: An update on the Wuikinuxv grizzly bear project
Grizzly bear (Photo by Vince Heney)
In the spring of 2013, I approached the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) about a project in Wuikinuxv Territory, in the heart of the Great Bear Rainforest, where grizzly bears and humans have shared the same riverbanks for thousands of years,...
Rewilding Canada: An interview with J.B. MacKinnon (Part 2)
JB MacKinnon
In 2005, JB MacKinnon and his partner Alisa Smith embarked on a year long journey to feed themselves exclusively from locally-sourced foods. Their experiment gave birth to the 100 Mile Diet concept, which was popularized in their book that...
Rewilding Canada: An interview with J.B. MacKinnon
JB MacKinnon
In 2005, JB MacKinnon and his partner Alisa Smith embarked on a year long journey to feed themselves exclusively from locally-sourced foods. Their experiment gave birth to the 100 Mile Diet concept, which was popularized in their book that...
Restoring an endangered tree species in the mountains of British Columbia
Whitebark pine needles and cones (Photo by Richard Sniezko)
In British Columbia, the majority of species at risk are found in low elevation areas where most private property is held. Most conservation properties held by the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) are also found in these low elevation zones to...