Hiking the big one
Big Trout Bay, Lake Superior, ON (Photo by Costal Productions)
My dental training and career as a research scientist have allowed me to live, work, hike, bike and paddle in fascinating ecosystems around the world, including Asia, New Guinea, Europe, Africa and the Americas. After retirement, I was fortunate...
NCC staff tips for exploring nature this Canada Day
NCC National staff at MacMillan Nature Reserve, ON (Photo by NCC)
There’s nothing quite like hiking through a natural area and literally stopping to smell the roses. As Canadians, we’re so fortunate to have a backyard of diverse landscapes just waiting to be explored. This Canada Day, lace up your...
Backpack Essentials: Deep in the wilderness, it’s nice to have a best friend
Backpack Essentials (Image by NCC)
This blog post is part of the Backpack Essentials series, a series that explores the items NCC staff carry with them when going outside. It is inspired by the quarterly Nature Conservancy of Canada Magazine and our Nature Destinations program. To...
Ecotourism in Canada
Ecotourism offers experiences for people to discover and enjoy natural habitats. (Photo by Galyna Andrushko)
As climate change becomes more of a reality, people are beginning to reconsider the ways in which they travel. Ecotourism, as many travellers already know, is a type of tourism that offers experiences for people to discover and enjoy natural...
Alvar explorations of a wandering biologist (part one)
Esme on the alvar in Malham Cove, U.K. (Photo by Esme Batten/NCC staff)
“You are going to drive seven hours away to go walk around on flat rocks?” my Grandad asked when I told him about my planned trip to Malham Cove in the U.K. at the end of 2018. To most people, alvars, or limestone plains, as they are...
Slow down, and connect
Colleen Dale believes the best way to educate Canada’s future conservationists is by taking them to explore her favourite place in nature: Ontario’s Backus Woods. (Photo by Neil Osbourne)
Ontario’s Backus Woods is a stellar example of one of Canada’s most diverse life zones. Growing up in a time without the internet, Colleen Dale learned about nature the old-fashioned way: getting out into it. “I can remember...
Go wild for wildlife
Short-eared owl (Photo by Tony Campbell)
March 3 is World Wildlife Day, an annual event started by the United Nations General Assembly in 2013 to help raise awareness and encourage the celebration of our planet’s wildlife. In honour of this occasion, here are some ideas for...
Reach new heights: Take your adventure to another level by exploring the iconic hoodoos
Dutch Creek Hoodoos, BC (Photo by NCC)
Craggy spires rise up and tower over the north end of Columbia Lake. A result of thousands of years of glaciation, followed by erosion from meltwater and weather, the Dutch Creek Hoodoos are a testament to the grand geologic forces of the...
A city for nature lovers
Downtown Vancouver (Photo by Adam Hunter/NCC staff)
Last September I travelled to Vancouver, BC. It was my first time on Canada’s West Coast, and I was really impressed. While I enjoyed exploring the city itself, it was the nature activities that really stood out for me. Stanley...
6 Nature Destinations to visit this winter
Bunchberry Meadows, AB (Photo by Brent Calver)
Winter has made its way across Canada. Long gone are the changing leaves and the fall jackets, the latter now stored away as we bring out parkas better suited for the tough Canadian winters. With landscapes covered in blankets of snow and trees...