
What should we do about invasive species?

Leafy spurge (Photo by Ed L/pawpaw67)

Leafy spurge (Photo by Ed L/pawpaw67)

Invasive alien species (IAS) have been identified by the International Union for Conservation of Nature as one of the greatest threats to biodiversity. It’s therefore no surprise that controlling and eradicating them is one of the top...

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Turtle conservation: The land between the waters

Snapping turtle (Photo by Ryan M. Bolton)

Snapping turtle (Photo by Ryan M. Bolton)

Many years ago I was surveying for endangered grassland birds in the treeless, sandy native prairies that straddle the Manitoba-Saskatchewan border. I came across a painted turtle walking determinedly towards...somewhere. The turtle and I were...

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Citizenship and biodiversity conservation

Cowichan Garry Oak Preserve, British Columbia (Photo by Tim Ennis/NCC)

Cowichan Garry Oak Preserve, British Columbia (Photo by Tim Ennis/NCC)

Biodiversity conservation is no longer a topic reserved for scientists. It’s an issue that impacts all Canadians. That’s the message that was repeated by panelists at a University of Manitoba discussion on biodiversity that I attended...

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Where have all the monarchs gone?

A monarch butterfly perches on the endangered Hill's Thistle at Gore Bay Savanna (Photo by NCC)

A monarch butterfly perches on the endangered Hill's Thistle at Gore Bay Savanna (Photo by NCC)

When I was a young girl, seeing monarchs flit around was as common as hearing the songs of the meadowlarks and the chipping of ground squirrels. I was fortunate to grow up on the edge of suburban Winnipeg. A quick pedal on my bike and I was in...

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Winter without central heat: How wildlife on the prairies survives

Three-flowered avens (Photo © Manitoba Museum)

Three-flowered avens (Photo © Manitoba Museum)

During frigid winter days I find myself marvelling at how wild plants and animals manage to survive the cold temperatures. As my current area of study involves flowering plants and their insect pollinators, these are the organisms that I will...

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It takes an (effectively communicating) village: The importance of information exchange between researchers and conservation practitioners

Tall grass prairie, Manitoba (Photo by NCC)

Tall grass prairie, Manitoba (Photo by NCC)

As a general rule, tall grass prairie researchers and conservation practitioners are a fairly lively bunch. They’re very passionate and not shy to share their perspectives on how, why and what conservation actions should occur. They...

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