The majestic leatherback sea turtle
Propelling through the water on a relentless journey (Photo by Canadian Sea Turtle Network)
When most of us think of turtles, we think of the little painted turtles that can be seen bathing in the sun’s rays on a summer afternoon on the edge of a pond or lake. Many may not be aware that here in Nova Scotia we have a frequent...
Photos enneigées : mes six meilleurs conseils pour de belles images de l’hiver
Lentille de grand calibre (photo de Wikimedia Commons)
Cette photo a été prise le 27 décembre 2013, à Blue Mountain, près d’Halifax, en Nouvelle-Écosse. C’était tard l’après-midi, juste après qu’une petite neige...
Three important environmental skills you can only gain through hands-on work
Danielle Horne (NCC), Jamie Fraser (NCC) and John Caraberis on the brick beach, NS (Photo by NCC)
I have always wanted a job that allows me to work outside. Last summer, I was one of the lucky few students to have an internship with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC). In an average work week, I spent two to three days working in the...
Eel-grass: A moment in time
Eel-grass, Port Joli, Nova Scotia (Photo by NCC)
As we bushwhack through dense alder thickets, we hear the drone of a small plane flying back and forth over the Pugwash Estuary. It is a perfect summer day in August with a clear blue sky, perfect for capturing aerial imagery of Pugwash. The...
Sometimes, not knowing the answer makes life a little more interesting
Danielle Horne in the field (Photo by NCC)
I first heard of the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) during my undergraduate degree, which I completed a few years ago. NCC’s focus on working with willing landowners and taking a non-advocacy stance was what initially drew me to the...
Brier Island's eastern mountain avens
Eastern mountain avens (Photo by June Swift)
For most of the year, the eastern mountain avens does its best to hide amongst the peatland vegetation on Brier Island, located at the extreme southwestern edge of Nova Scotia. However at the height of summer, a small buttercup-like flower the...
Nova Scotian adventures
Danielle Horne in the field (Photo by NCC)
Having spent my summers in Cape Breton, I am no stranger to the fickle weather found here in Nova Scotia. So far, we have been lucky to have mostly decent weather for our field work (so far anyway). Whether it is tromping through the bush in...
Connecting with the social landscape: Local knowledge goes a long way in conservation
Danielle Horne (NCC), Jamie Fraser (NCC) and John Caraberis on the brick beach, NS (Photo by NCC)
As professionals involved in the conservation of natural landscapes we need to always remember that the associated “social landscape” is critical to our success. One of the pleasures I’ve enjoyed throughout my career is the...
Battling Buckthorn: NCC teams up with the Friends of the Pugwash Estuary for the fourth annual Buckthorn Beatdown
The Pugwash Estuary is a unique mixture of forest, marsh and sandy beaches (Photo by NCC)
On June 8, staff from the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), Conservation Volunteers, the Friends of the Pugwash Estuary and the McMillan Forestry group braved hordes of mosquitoes to remove invasive glossy buckthorn at the Pugwash River Estuary...
Spring cleaning: Conservation Volunteers give piping plovers a helping hand in Nova Scotia
Piping plover (Photo by Andrea Drake)
One of the most endangered species in Canada received a helping hand through the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC's) Conservation Volunteers program this past weekend.The piping plover is a shorebird that relies on sand and pebble beaches...