
NCC staff share their Natural Happy Places (Part One)

NCC's BC regional staff at Kumdis River Conservation Area (Photo by NCC)

NCC's BC regional staff at Kumdis River Conservation Area (Photo by NCC)

At the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) we have staff members from across the country, each bringing a unique perspective to conservation nationally and in their home province. From forests to coastlines, like every Canadian, NCC staff have...

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Life in freshwater country: How helping water helps Canada (Part One)

Elbow Lake, Frontenac Arch, ON (Photo by NCC)

Elbow Lake, Frontenac Arch, ON (Photo by NCC)

If you are Canadian, either by chance or by choice, you probably have a story about water. It might be learning to paddle a canoe, pulling your first fish from the water or standing on the dock on the May 24 weekend with friends, challenging each...

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Something's Fishy: Here comes the sun(fish)

Warmouth up-close (Photo by Clinton & Charles Robertson/Wikimedia Commons)

Warmouth up-close (Photo by Clinton & Charles Robertson/Wikimedia Commons)

“We rise when the fish do!” exclaimed my grandfather just as I was settling into the guestroom, known fondly as my room-away-from-home, at my grandparent’s house. “When’s that, grandpa?” I called back in...

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Monarch butterfly habitat selection

Monarch butterfly (Photo by A. Dabydeen)

Monarch butterfly (Photo by A. Dabydeen)

The monarch butterfly is one of the most recognized and loved insects in the world. It is known, in part, for its phenomenal migration from its Canadian breeding grounds to overwintering sites in the mountains of Mexico. Unfortunately, the...

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Atlantic Salmon: Lake Ontario’s ghost fish

Atlantic salmon jumping in Humber River (Photo by Tom Moffatt/ASF)

Atlantic salmon jumping in Humber River (Photo by Tom Moffatt/ASF)

The Atlantic salmon is usually associated with Canada’s east coast, where declining populations of the species have inspired conservation efforts by the Nature Conservancy of Canada, as well as Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Historically,...

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Man Nature Poem: The Tragically Hip's connection to the Canadian outdoors

The Tragically Hip in Kelowna, BC, 2015 (Photo by Aven Hoffarth)

The Tragically Hip in Kelowna, BC, 2015 (Photo by Aven Hoffarth)

One of my earliest memories of music came from the speakers of my dad’s 1969 Beaumont convertible with the top down. I remember sitting in the back seat, my hair blowing through the wind, and my sister sitting shotgun beside my dad. Blaring...

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The Migratory Bird Treaty turns 100!

Woman, wearing a large feathered hat and boa, posing for a portrait (Photo by John Oxley Library, Public Domain)

Woman, wearing a large feathered hat and boa, posing for a portrait (Photo by John Oxley Library, Public Domain)

This year we mark the centennial of the convention between the United States and Great Britain (for Canada) for the protection of migratory birds — also called the Migratory Bird Treaty — that was signed on August 16, 1916. A century...

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10 things you need to survive as a NCC intern

One of the best things about field work is having an amazing crew (Photo by NCC)

One of the best things about field work is having an amazing crew (Photo by NCC)

Working with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) as a conservation intern is a dream come true. Growing up in England, my passion for the environment was fueled by exploring the woodlands around my home and trying to learn as much as possible...

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Poems for Trees: Wilson Island

Wilson Island's cobble shores, Ontario (Photo by Michelle Derosier, Thunderstone Pictures)

Wilson Island's cobble shores, Ontario (Photo by Michelle Derosier, Thunderstone Pictures)

In August 2011 I visited the Wilson Island Archipelago with Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) staff Brenda Van Sleeuwen and former NCCer Laura Mousseau, along with Pays Plat First Nation seasonal employees Gary Bouchard and Andrew Wynne. Our goal...

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A whoosh in the night

Common nighthawk resting on its nest (Photo by NCC)

Common nighthawk resting on its nest (Photo by NCC)

Wandering through the forests, grasslands, and alvars of the Bruce Peninsula at dusk brings a certain calm to the soul; a type of peace that is seldom found in the bustle of a city at night. The forests are abuzz with the sounds of nocturnal...

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