
I like to be outnumbered

Maia Herriot in the field (Photo by NCC)

Maia Herriot in the field (Photo by NCC)

In my last week at the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) as the communications intern for the Saskatchewan Region, I found myself standing on a hill, in the rain, on one of our Qu’Appelle Valley properties. I was looking through my...

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The poetry of nature

(Photo by Maia Herriot)

(Photo by Maia Herriot)

I am an English major raised by two writers and former English majors. I spent this past summer writing blog posts as the communications intern for the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) Saskatchewan Region. Writing is my thing. I...

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Heard it from a Scout: Favourite Nature Conservancy of Canada Nature Destinations

The cliffs of Chase Woods Nature Preserve, BC (Photo by Tim Ennis)

The cliffs of Chase Woods Nature Preserve, BC (Photo by Tim Ennis)

Lush greenery and rugged landscapes cover Canada, so getting inspired to explore nature’s treasures is easy. Escaping from our urban environments allows us to immerse ourselves in nature in the many protected and beautiful natural areas...

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Tiny house, smaller footprint

This year, my family tested our bond and squeezed into a “tiny house” for the long weekend. (Photo by Maia Herriot)

This year, my family tested our bond and squeezed into a “tiny house” for the long weekend. (Photo by Maia Herriot)

In celebration of Family Day this year, my family tested our bond and squeezed into a “tiny house” for the long weekend. According to Tiny Home Builders, the tiny house movement is “the architectural and social movement that...

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Get your shinrin-yoku on this fall

Bunchberry Meadows Conservation Area, AB (Photo by Kyle Marquardt)

Bunchberry Meadows Conservation Area, AB (Photo by Kyle Marquardt)

The first time I heard about shinrin-yoku, I was stuck in westbound traffic along Highway 401. The radio was tuned to CBC, where the content discussed on the morning show usually offers a reprieve from whatever lies ahead on the commuter-packed...

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Making friends with the solitary bees

Blue orchard bee (Photo by Robert Engelhardt)

Blue orchard bee (Photo by Robert Engelhardt)

When you think of bees, your mind probably goes to honey, hives and stingers. But what if I told you that there was a species of bee, native to the Saskatchewan prairies, that didn’t make honey, live in a hive or (usually) sting? Mason bees...

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Take the people you love to the places you love

Maia Herriot and her parents (Photo by NCC)

Maia Herriot and her parents (Photo by NCC)

Every summer I come back home to Saskatchewan from university in New Brunswick and stay with my parents. I always work a full-time summer job, and my parents spend most weekends at our cabin. So, despite living in the same house, we always end the...

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Point counts at Wideview: 10,000 steps by 7 a.m.

Wideview, SK (Photo by NCC)

Wideview, SK (Photo by NCC)

3 a.m.: Why am I awake this early? The only other creatures awake right now are the birds. Oh, right. The birds are exactly why I’m awake this early. It’s time for point counts at the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s)...

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60 things – A year to remember

Conservation Volunteers building a bat house (Photo by Lorena Squires)

Conservation Volunteers building a bat house (Photo by Lorena Squires)

My name is Dianne Young, and I turned 60 in February. I wanted to do something special to celebrate but couldn’t decide what to do. Hot air balloon ride? I’ve always wanted to do that. Tandem parachute jump? I’ve always wanted to...

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Life as an intern with the Nature Conservancy of Canada

Before the summer ended and we went our separate ways, I caught up with my fellow interns to get an idea of what they do when they leave the office. (Photo by NCC)

Before the summer ended and we went our separate ways, I caught up with my fellow interns to get an idea of what they do when they leave the office. (Photo by NCC)

As the former communications intern for the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) Saskatchewan Region, I spent most of my summer at my desk, while our five other interns spent most of their time in the field. Before the summer ended...

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