
Close encounter with a barred owl

Barred owl at night (Photo by Quincin Chan/NCC staff)

Barred owl at night (Photo by Quincin Chan/NCC staff)

This blog was written by Damien Cheung (with the help of his mom, Quincin Chan). I went to Arrowhead Provincial Park in Ontario for the Fire and Ice Night event with my family on a weekend in January and stayed in a cabin in the park. We had...

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And owl…will always…love you!

A barred owl perched on scaffolding on a roof that’s being re-done. (Photo by Rebecca Clarke)

A barred owl perched on scaffolding on a roof that’s being re-done. (Photo by Rebecca Clarke)

As an avid nature lover, I am constantly in awe of the beauty and diversity of the natural world, but there's one species that holds a special place in my heart: barred owl. Have you ever heard the distinctive call of a barred owl at night and...

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Wetlands are our natural defences and need to be conserved

Upper Ohio, NS (Photo by Mike Dembeck)

Upper Ohio, NS (Photo by Mike Dembeck)

During the recent UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15) in Montreal, over 190 nations adopted a Global Biodiversity Framework. Part of that agreement is to conserve at least 30 per cent of the world’s lands and waters by 2030. While it is not a...

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Conservation heroes in the county: John Lowry

John Lowry and Amanda Tracey at a CV event in Newburgh, Ontario, December 2022 (Photo by Chelsea Marcantonio/NCC staff)

John Lowry and Amanda Tracey at a CV event in Newburgh, Ontario, December 2022 (Photo by Chelsea Marcantonio/NCC staff)

One of my favourite parts of working for the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is running events — particularly Conservation Volunteers (CV) events. I love meeting new people, learning their stories and what motivates them to come out. I...

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Hop into the new year with these Canadian lagomorphs

Eastern cottontail (Photo by Alain Mochon, CC BY-NC 4.0)

Eastern cottontail (Photo by Alain Mochon, CC BY-NC 4.0)

Rabbits are one of the most easily observed species in my suburban neighbourhood. Even during winter here in southern Ontario, you can find hints of their presence. My two young kids gleefully alerted me to a set of eastern cottontail tracks...

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Conservation heroes in the county: Richard Bird

Richard with former NCC staff Ali Giroux installing a property sign at an NCC nature reserve in the county (Photo by Amanda Tracey/NCC staff)

Richard with former NCC staff Ali Giroux installing a property sign at an NCC nature reserve in the county (Photo by Amanda Tracey/NCC staff)

You’ll recall from part one of this series that when I started working for the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), Prince Edward County (the county) quickly stole my heart. From its rich wetlands to its dry grasslands and migratory birds...

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Fighting phragmites on Georgian Bay

NCC staff and volunteers working to control phragmites on Georgian Bay, ON (Photo by Sara Meyer/NCC staff)

NCC staff and volunteers working to control phragmites on Georgian Bay, ON (Photo by Sara Meyer/NCC staff)

When I started with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) in the spring of 2022, I had limited knowledge of the invasive species called phragmites (phrag, as many in the conservation circle call it), and also known as common reed, the immense...

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Conservation heroes in the county: Cheryl Anderson

Cheryl Anderson at a garlic mustard pull volunteer event in Prince Edward County, ON (May 2022) (Photo by Amanda Tracey/NCC staff)

Cheryl Anderson at a garlic mustard pull volunteer event in Prince Edward County, ON (May 2022) (Photo by Amanda Tracey/NCC staff)

I’ve been working for the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) in the eastern part of central Ontario for nearly five years. While my work spans a large geographic area, a lot of my time is spent on the wild south shore of Prince Edward...

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Tree girdling

Scotch pine girdling (Photo by Chirathi Wijekulathilake/NCC staff)

Scotch pine girdling (Photo by Chirathi Wijekulathilake/NCC staff)

I am a conservation intern at the Nature Conservancy Canada (NCC) in Newfoundland and Labrador, and in this role I often have family and friends asking me what NCC is, what their role is in the conservation community, and most commonly, what my...

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Land Trust Alliance Rally 2022 – New Orleans

Several NCC staff at the 2022 LTA Rally reception (Photo by NCC)

Several NCC staff at the 2022 LTA Rally reception (Photo by NCC)

I had the opportunity to attend the Land Trust Alliance (LTA) Rally 2022 in New Orleans this past September. The LTA Rally is the largest conservation-focused land trust conference in North America. The LTA Rally provides a platform for land...

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