A call to nature conservation

Cold Creek Stewardship receiving a cheque for improvements to the CA building at Benjamin Moore Award presentation. (Photo by Bill Wilson)
I have been involved in nature conservation since 1964 — as a student, as a professional and as a volunteer. During ny 25 years with the Ontario Civil Service, it became evident to me that we all need to lend a hand in protecting and enhancing nature. My graduation to volunteer nature conservation groups was a welcome change. It became further evident to me that volunteers are essential to nature conservation.
During this time I explored the thoughts of some of the most notable persons and organizations that have involved themselves in nature and nature conservation. Their thoughts explain how vulnerable and essential nature is. Their work inspires me to take part in nature conservation activities. My notes on their thoughts and work have become a sort of “History of Nature Conservation,” insofar as that history has unfolded to date.
This very personal and individual process of finding, testing, satisfying, engaging and enlarging the spirit, for me at least, is ongoing. It is this writing in progress, my Spirit Vision. It is a personal ongoing search within and outside me to understand and engage with what the Ojibway teacher and interpreter Basil Johnston calls “The framework of the ordinances.”

HVHTA hike at Humber Valley (Photo by Bill Wilson)
By attempting to understand and relate some of their ideas, and some of my own experiences, it is my hope that many others can be inspired to take part in nature conservation. Nature can be very silent and needs a human voice. Nature’s value is especially unheard, unappreciated and vulnerable as economic roaring goes on.
I believe that the single most important truth of this engagement of thoughts is that recognizing, understanding and sustaining a healthy relationship with nature is essential to the health of us and our communities.
Nature conservation means taking personal stewardship for our natural environment either in a paid capacity or as a volunteer, either as an individual or member of a group. Nature conservation has many creative opportunities for everyone — particularly volunteers.
We can: help build a hiking trail, plant trees, buy “green” products, buy local, participate in community groups, advance conservation in professional associations, take a kid outdoors and write about nature conservation.
We can all lighten up a bit and regard nature as places to visit, to learn from, to enjoy and respect for future generations.