My Wildlife World Cup matchup: Week 1



June 21, 2014 | by Carys Richards

World Cup fever is taking over the sports scene. Game scores and upcoming matches are splashed across the internet, my social media feeds are flooding with friends making their allegiances clear by displaying their teams’ jerseys or favourite players’ numbers and when I walk down the sidewalk, dozens of venues are advertising "watch World Cup games here!" on sandwich boards in the streets.

So what is a sports fan to do, but embrace this soccer mania?

To honour the ongoing World Cup, I’ve decided to celebrate with player cards of my favourite featured Canadian species!

Now it’s your turn to tell me who your favourite is. Vote each week and decide which animal will win the Wildlife World Cup! Either vote in a comment below, or on Twitter using the hashtag #wildlifeworldcup. Below the cards is the playoff bracket, which will be updated every week to reflect your voting.

This week's contestants are the burrowing owl versus the great blue heron in the Battle of the Birds.

Wildlife World Cup burrowing owl card (made by NCC)

Wildlife World Cup great blue heron card (made by NCC)

Wildlife World Cup week 1 bracket (made by NCC)

Carys Richards (Photo courtesy of Carys Richards)

About the Author

Carys Richards is the communications manager for NCC’s Alberta Region.

Read more about Carys Richards.

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