John Gosse

John Gosse is a wildlife biologist with over 20 years of experience in the resource conservation field. During his tenure with Parks Canada he conducted long-term studies into the ecology of Newfoundland marten and led the re-introduction program for this species to eastern Newfoundland.
John has also collaborated with other researchers to assess the impacts of non-native moose on forest regeneration and has helped establish a management program to mitigate these impacts in both Terra Nova and Gros Morne National Parks. As an avid birder, John has extensive experience in conducting surveys for boreal songbirds, birds of prey, waterfowl and shorebirds. He is a current member of the Newfoundland Land-birds and Shorebirds Recovery Teams and has contributed to the development of population monitoring guidelines for the province.
John resides in Traytown, Newfoundland and pursues a range of recreational activities including canoeing, skiing, hunting and fishing.