Lindsey Davidson

Lindsey was born and raised in Southern Alberta and has never strayed far from home. She completed her secondary education at Olds College and the University of Lethbridge where she graduated in 2011 with a bachelor's degree in Agriculture.
Shortly after graduation, she began working for municipal government – notably, the M.D. of Pincher Creek and the Municipality of Crowsnest Pass. After nearly 10 years as an Agricultural Fieldman, she decided to pursue a new role, more closely aligned with her professional passion. In May 2022, Lindsey became the natural area manager for the Waterton Park Front with the Nature Conservancy of Canada. Her career focus is the stewardship of working landscapes and building relationships within the ranching community. Invasive species represent a significant threat to biodiversity and as such, remain a key component of her work.
Lindsey currently resides near Pincher Creek, with her husband, dogs and horses. When not advocating for the conservation of native habitat and wildlife, Lindsey can be found somewhere in the mountains, soaking up everything this amazing landscape has to offer.